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Betty's POV

I separated from Jughead I got more nervous by the minute. I held my gun tightly and my hands started to sweat. I was walking down a dark hallway when I suddenly was pushed against the wall.

My gun dropped and my mic broke. "God damnit" I muttered. I sat up and saw him looking at me. "Agent Smith, welcome back" he said. I quickly stood up, but realised I didn't have any weapons. "You aren't armed, what are you gonna do?" He asked and I swallowed.

"I have missed you, honestly" he said. I then remembered the knife I have. I quickly grab it and he started laughing like a maniac. "I wouldn't do that Smith, you'll loose" he said and pointed his gun at me. I threw the knife at his hand causing him to drop the gun and ran away. I ran until I bumped into someone.

"Betty, oh my god" I heard Jughead say and he held my face in his hands. "What the hell happened to you?" He asked looking at my forehead . "Jughead, the swat team, they need to come, now, he's going crazy" I said and she nodded. "Back up, come asap, I'll drop our location" He said into his mic. "Where is your gun?" He asked. "Somewhere else, with my mic as well, that's why I couldn't contact anyone" i said and he nodded.

"Alright, just stay behind me" He said. Suddenly I heard a voice. "Oh agent Smithhhhh, where are you hidingggg, let me just kill you then we will be done." Jughead looked at me with his eyes wide. "It's him" I said. "Awww, are you hiding behind your boyfriend?" He asked, I stood trembling behind Jughead, God I feel stupid, I do not need to be like this right now. "Drop your gun right now, we have you surrounded, my team is now on their way here, you have nowhere to go" Jughead said and he just laughed like a maniac.

"You know, Betty dear, you sure look a lot like your mother" he said. "You know my mother?" I asked him in shock. "Yeah I sure did, I'm upset you have not recognised me yet, surely, you would remember your father's eyes Elizabeth" he said and I gasped, that cant be possible, he's dead. "Your lying, my father got shot right in front of me" I said and my voice trembles. "Elizabeth, come on, you have to know, we Coopers have the tendency to survive, at all costs" he said. "Alright, enough mind games, just surrender, you have no chance at winning" Jughead said and he scoffed. "You are annoying Jones" he said and suddenly he shot.

I looked at jughead and saw a gunshot in his abdomen. "Jughead" I yelled. He pressed his gun into my hands and whispered: "finish it, princess." A tear leaved my eye and suddenly he dropped, my whole mood switched. "Your done, Hal or whoever you are" I said and shot him.

I dropped on my knees next to him, putting pressure on his wound. "Betts" He whispered and I looked at him, my hands covered in his blood. "C'mon Jug, stay awake, alright, help will be on the way" I said caressing his cheek. He put his and on mine and smiled. "Betts, I- I need to tell you something" he said, but I shook my head. "No, we are not having that conversation" I said. "I need to, I can't live with myself knowing I never got the chance" he said and coughed. "Jug, please don't, I can't lose you" I whispered, tears growing in both our eyes. "Betty, I, I care about you, more then a co-worker or even a friend should, remember that" He said and closed his eyes. "Jughead, no don't you dare close your eyes, please I can't lose you" I said, but he didn't respond.

The SWAT-team came and all stopped when they saw him. "Get the paramedics here asap two, one for agent Jones and one for that bastard" I said and they nodded. "Help me get him there" I said and he nodded. We got him out and I saw the ambulance. They took Jughead away quicker then I thought. I looked up and saw two blondes sitting there. "Polly, Lynette?" I asked and they both turned around. "Betty?" I heard my sister say and I gasped.

I ran towards her and hugged her. "I thought I lost you" I whispered. "You can't get rid of me that easy" she whispered. "Are you both okay?" I asked and they both nodded. "Alright, I would love to stay, but my partner got shot and I need to be there, also TBK is also there" I said and she nodded. "I'll look you up" I said. I got into a car and quickly left to the hospital.

When I arrived I walked to the receptionist. "Hi, can I speak to the nurse or doctor taking care of Forsythe Jones?" I asked. "Yes, she's there" she said and pointed at a woman. "Hi I'm agent Smith with the FBI, can you tell me where Forsythe Jones is?" I asked.

"Oh, your Betty, yeah he's in surgery now, he asked if you were okay, he was conscious for a few seconds, he asked if you were okay, he must really love you" she said and I froze. "Is, is he okay?" I asked. "Well, surgery is always risqué, but I think that he will be just fine, you should call his family tho, just in case" she said and I nodded.

"Thank you" I said. She nodded and left. I picked up my phone and dialed FP's number. "Betty, hi I heard that you and Jughead were going after TBK, did you get him?" He asked. "FP, you should come to Quantico, to the hospital" I said. "What's wrong, what happened?" He asked. "It's Jughead, he, he got shot FP" I said and my voice broke. "He, he got shot, we will be right there" he said. "Okay, see you soon FP" I said and hung up.

I sat for an hour in the waiting room when the nurse came. "Forsythe Jones is stable, luckily, you can see him in room 207" she said and I nodded. I walked into the room and saw sleeping there. I sighed and sat down on the chair next to his bed. "Jug" I said. "I know that you're asleep and probably can't hear me. God, I look pathetic right now, talking to my co-worker slash friends while he's asleep, because I don't have the balls to talk to you about this when your awake." "It's just" I sighed. "If you ever scare me like this again I'm gonna kill you" I said and then I heard him suddenly chuckle."You did the same Smith, were even now" he said and opened his eyes. "Jughead oh my god, are you okay?" I asked hugging him. He groaned and chuckled, hugging me back. "Betts I'm okay, don't worry" He said and I pulled away. "You ass, how long were you awake?" I asked him. "Not too long" He said. "Your father and sister are outside, I should probably come and get them" I rambled, but he stopped me, putting his hand on mine. "Not yet, I need to tell you something first" He said and I looked at him, nervously. "Do you remember what I said before I blacked out?" He asked and I nodded, the memory freshly branded in my brain. "It, it's true, Betts, I care so much about you, more then I honestly should and if you ever get hurt, I, I don't know what I would do honestly, Betty I like you, not in a platonic way, but if you don't feel the same way I understand and-" he ranted and I just interrupted him. "Jughead, please let me speak now" I said and he shut up. "I like you too, not platonically" I said and he smiled. "Really?" "Really" i said and we both smiled. "Come here" he said and I giggled. He pulled me in and kissed me softly. His lips were slightly chapped, but still soft and warm, lazily moving against mine. We pulled away and I stared into his eyes, and we both smiled like idiots. "Holy shit, when is the wedding and I better be a bridesmaid."

So this chapter is from Betty's POV, I hope you liked it, stay safe and healthy ❤️❤️❤️

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