Chapter 33

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The right person

Jahfil's POV:

I was in my thoughts when something else came in my mind and I asked her directly as always...

Me: is this the reason why you agreed to marry me knowing that I don't want any husband-wife type relation???.... In fact is this why you always avoid physical contact with everyone???...

(She nodded in reply and said...)

She: after that incident I started to feel uncomfortable at everyone's touch whether it's a boy or girl... so I just avoid it...

Me: but you seem to be comfortable with me...wait... are you really comfortable with me or you are just forcing yourself just because I am your husband???....

(I said and she looked at me raising her head....)

She: obviously it's not like that... why do I need to force myself.... if you remember you are the one who has already said that you want your personal space...and I am comfortable with you because I really am... after that incident you are the first person whose touch didn't make me feel uncomfortable....
remember our meeting at cafe when you saved me from falling???....
I felt so safe at your touch though it was our first meeting.... and that's when I became sure that you are the right person for me....

(She said and I smiled at her while thanking Allah for everything.... it feels really great to hear this from her....

I was staring at her who was fighting to keep her eyes open....)

Me: Just remember it's not your fault and there is nothing for you to think anything negative about yourself.... you are just pure like a flower.... and I am glad that this flower has bloomed in my garden...... now forget everything and sleep.... you need rest...

(In reply she just nodded with smile and kept her head back on my shoulder... and after some moments I saw her sleeping peacefully in my lap.... I also fell asleep after sometime while staring at her...)

Qurrat's POV:

In the morning

I opened my eyes feeling really light and relieved..... but when I was about to get up I couldn't.... wait... where am I sleeping??? On his lap???... Yes... I am sleeping on his lap while he is holding my waist with his both hands.....
That's when last night's whole event came to my mind....
O my my...what have I done.... Yeah I know that as side pillows are not allowed anymore so cuddling a little  is our everyday routine....
But this.... this is way too intimate.... I am literally on his lap... but true to say... I am not feeling uncomfortable.... rather I am feeling way too comfortable and most importantly I am feeling safe.... which I have never felt before...

But the problem is he also slept in this sitting position.... he must had felt so uneasy while sleeping....

I just raise my head from his shoulder to look at his sleeping face... but his sleep got disturbed by this....

He opened his eyes and gave me the sweetest smile in this world....
He kissed my forehead and greet me good morning... which I also returned with a smile....

He: How are you feeling???... Are you having any headache???....

Me: No... in fact I am feeling very light and fresh.... but you tell me... how are you feeling??? ....Your back must be hurting.... You could have put me back on bed....

He: I am all okay....My back is not hurting.... it's just a little stiffed which will be okay after stretching.... and about putting you back on bed... then I didn't do this because I didn't want to disturb your peaceful sleep....And most importantly I didn't want to.... it feels good to have you so close to me.... even now I don't want to let go of you....

(He said smiling and that's when I realised I am still on his lap....)

Me: Oh... yeah..... let me go....
(I said looking down scratching my forehead....)

He: why???... aren't you feeling comfortable???....
(He asked with a playful smile...)

Me: I am... but have you seen the time???.... I know it's weekend but we can't let everyone wait like this.... so let me go and you should get up too...

He: okay okay... your command...

(He said and let go of me..... though I began to miss his touch but now I have to freshen up....

Later I kept thinking about everything that happened last night.... the way he comforted me... the way he understood me... all of this was really heartwarming.... after sharing everything with him I am feeling like I got rid of a huge burden.... and after his support I don't feel that horrible to think about that incident anymore.... after last night one thing I can say with thousand percent sureity that is he is the right person for me.... In fact for anyone... and I am lucky that I am blessed with him....)

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