Chapter 19

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Handsome Husband

Qurrat's POV:

I entered my campus after he dropped me... well yes... after our marriage he drops me off every time and I am not complaining either...Rather I like this.... he even said that he would come to pick me up or send driver.... but I refused saying that I want to go with Apiji as now this is the only time we can spend together....

I was at corridor when I thought to call Ibrahim to ask where he is because almost everyone is here except him....that's when I realised that I left my phone at car... I decided to go back to see if he was still there or not... Just when I turned I saw him walking towards me with his all glory...

He is wearing a navy blue shirt tucked in white pant while his first button is open and sleeves are rolled up to his elbow... And not to forget his shades...

I like that how he always has an different attitude when he is outside home... his attitude makes him more attractive...

And not to be surprised some of my female classmates who were just walking beside me started talking about him...

Risha: hey look... In which year he is???...

Hima: well looking at his outfit and attitude he doesn't look like a student... and if there was any student like him at uni we had obviously known this...

Ishani: Maybe our new Professor???...Let's ask him as he is coming towards our direction...

(Well some of my friends were also there whom I gestured to keep quiet...
Because I was enjoying this... I am not that type of person who will get angry and all when other women will call my husband handsome... in fact I would love to enjoy this moment... it feels awesome to think that I get married to that person in real about whom others just dream... and I would love to shatter those dreams...

I was thinking all this meanwhile he reached me and now standing just in front of me.... then he took his shades of before talking to me... well I don't know whether it always looks cool or he made it to look cool and at this moment I don't even want to know either....)

He: your phone... I saw it when I was about to drive off to my office...

Me: Thank you....

He: my pleasure... okay I shall go now...

Me: do you have 2 minutes??? ... someone wanted to ask you something...

He: who???...

Me: they wanted to ask you whether you are a student here or not...

(I said looking at my classmates who were still sending heart eyes to him...)

He: what???

Me: yeah... so aren't you gonna ask your questions now to my husband???...

(I said and now their heart eyes became wide eyes...)

Risha: he is your husband???...

Me: yes... legally married husband... any problem about this???...

Himu: No no... we were just appreciating your choice... nothing else... okay girls let's go now...

(She said being embarrassed and left with other girls)

He: Looks like someone is showing off her husband...

Me:well it's not looks like... someone is obviously showing off her husband... and why wouldn't she???.... when she has such a handsome husband...

Jahfil's POV:

I was speechless at her compliment ....  because I never thought that she would compliment me like this... it's not like I am hearing this for the first time... but hearing praises from your wife is really different...
I never cared about others say.... but her calling me handsome made me feel all giddy inside.... and I said grinning...

Me: Thanks for the compliment....
She:My pleasure...

(She replied copying me and I chuckled...)

She: listen...
Me: yes...
She: I want to go to my parents house today.... I will return before evening.... can I???....
Me: of course you can... you don't need to take permission... just inform... okay???

She: Okay...
(She said happily)

Me: We should take our leave now or else both of us will be late...

She: yeah... okay then... Allah Hafiz

Me: Allah Hafiz...

(And we went to our respective places...)

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