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"Dabria." A man said as he entered the small room that I had hardly left. My mind was foggy, always now I couldn't put together why I was here, who these men were, who I was.

"Do you want to know what it mean?" The man pushed. "I picked it out for you. It's better than the name they had decided to give you. Reaper? Who that of that? So plain, so undeserving of you. and the project name, blah. Winter's Wolf? What do that have to do with you?" He said as he walked towards me, putting a finger under my chin to pull my face towards his. He was very pleased with himself, eyeing me like I was just a trophy of his success.

"Dabria, it's latin, means 'An Angel of Death'" He said proudly as he turned away from me. "You'll be going on your first mission, given that you can pass these simple tests. Gentlmen" Two guards entered the room, escorting me out, no longer touching me when I needed to be moved. Before we headed down the hall the man in the lab coat showed me a few pictures, all of them of t he same two men, one of the blonde the other with black hair.

"Do you recognize either of these men?" He asked. I merely shook my head before looking back at him. "You really haven't got much going on up there do you?" He laughed before walking down the hall. I was brought to big room where many doctors were standing around, and there was one other person. A man with longer hair that was slicked backed, striking blue eyes and a metal arm.

"Andy!" He said as his eyes went wide. "Andy your okay!" He said as he ran towards me. I don't think I knew him but still my chest felt light when I saw him, as if a heavy weight was taken off of me. I felt relieved to see him but I didn't know why.

"Take him out!" The man who had taken me out of my room ordered, two of the guards went forward and took him away as he started yelling, calling out the name Andy as he fought against the men.

"Alright then, time for your first mission then, Dabria."


That's the end of this book, the next one will be started within the next few days, check my page for it. LMK if you have any recommendations or story lines you want to see. 

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