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 The next few days, Bucky was getting his paperwork done to transfer to the SSR and getting his men in line. Steve was at the SSR office every day, and today I was joining him.

"Lovely weather were having today." The young woman said as I walked into the office.

"yeah, I prefer the sun." She opened the door and let me in the back. I went into the secret base, finding Carter looking over a file on Ms. Brown's desk.

"Agent Carter." I said, grabbing her attention.

"Maybe you should've been the canidate for the serum." She said without looking up.

"Excuse me?"

"Men are unpredictable dumb, you were top of, well almost everything."

"Almost everything?"

"Come on, your running through my trainings today since your ankles fine, you'll be showing for a few officials, why women should be training for espionage."

"Did Steve do something?" I asked, knowing him and Peggy had a thing starting.

"You'll spend about an hour there before meeting up with Rogers and Phillips to go over tactics for your up coming missions."

"Yes ma'am" I said as I followed her. We arrived in the usual training room, with a group of men already waiting. I was introduced or told to introduce myself in any way, just directed to tracing pad where a group of sparing men were waiting. I took of my over shirt as the men surrounded me.

As soon as Carter said begin all four men attacked, dropped to the ground, kicking the legs out from under one man, bribing my knee to his face as he fell forward. Of of the other men had grabbed me from behind as another went to hit me. I swung my legs up, kicking off his chest sending the man holding me flying back. The last man had grabbed my by my hair, I brought my fist up to his crotch as he attempted to bring me up.

They had me spare for a few more rounds before handing me a gun and pointing me towards targets. I showed off my marksmanship, before they gave me throwing knives, one of the unknown men commenting on the unusual skill before I took to the targets.

"I wanna see her spare my sergeant." One of the older men said. "Trained him myself, be pretty damn hard to beat in hand to hand combat."

"Why of course" Agent Carter said as she made way for none other than Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes.

"This is gonna be fun." I said as Bucky stepped up to the mat. He struck first, throwing a right hook. I ducked, coming up to hit him in the jaw, striking him quick in the stomach before I let him get his bearings. I took the first move this time, adouble tap to the face before going to sweep his legs. He jumped this time, kicking his foot out into my face. I rolled back, quickly before running towards one of the support beams, jumping off of it as I hooked my arm around his neck, bringing him to the ground before he kicked his legs out. I dodged them which gave him the opportunity to hit in the face again. I got my legs around his neck, grabbing his ankle and twisting it slightly.

"better tap out Buck." I said as I held him down.

"Not gonna happen."

"Right." I said as I tightened my legs around his neck and twisted him leg more. He pounded the mat as I let him go. We both got up, heading off the to the benches as the group of men left the room.

"That was pretty interesting to watch." Steve said as he walked up with two ice packs.

"I guess so." Bucky said as he put the ice pack on his face. "You have to hit so hard?"

"Sorry, didn't know you wanted it easy princess."


"Come on, you can take a hit."

"Plus, it's not like you don't exactly deserve." Steve said as he sat down across from us.

"That's fair." Bucky said as I laid down, the ice pack on my temple.

"Drinks tonight?" I said as Steve handed me a canteen.

"Why not? We only got a little while longer here." Steve said as he took a drink himself.

"So what'd you do to piss off Carter?" I asked as I turned my attention towards him.

"I was talking to the woman up front, she was being nice and I-I was trying to politely turn her down b-but she just started kissing me! Then Carter walked in and saw, and I thought she meant something else when Stark said they were gonna go fondue...I accused her of sleeping with Stark and now she won't even look at me."

"Jesus Steve, that didn't take long." Bucky laughed.

"What's fondue?" I asked laughing.

"Apparently it's a type of food." Steve anwsered.

"God Steve, you need help when it comes to girls."

"I am aware, thank you." Soon we had to meet with the Colonel, learning the details of mission and being given 4 more days before we were shipped out.

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