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 The next say we were all pretty quiet. I took a long shower, knowing it would be last one I got for awhile. Afterwards I was dressed in my uniform and packing my bag. I met the guys in the kitchen where Steve had already made breakfast. We talked a little while we ate, all slightly dreading leaving the security of the apartment for war.

We met the howling commandos along with Colonel Philips and Agent Carter at the air field, getting ready to fly across the Atlantic.

"Hows the honeymoon going so far?" Dugan yelled as we walked up.

"Fan-fucking-tastic!" I said as threw my bag in with the rest the guys.

"What not the romantic trip over seas you expected?"

"Oh no Dugan, this is all I ever dreamed."

"You ready for this?" Bucky said as he came up behind me.

"Plane over the entire ocean, sounds fun." Before long we were wheels up and playing cards on the floor of a cargo plane. I would get up every now and then to look out the window. It was pretty fun, just hanging with the guys.

It was a hours before we made it to the airfield in London, getting right on to truck that hauled us hours away to the front lines. Once there Bucky, Steve, and I were brought with Colonel Philips and Agent Carter to a tent where a few other officials were sitting around maps. We were given our first mission specifics, which were to be carried out tomorrow. 119th was moving in from the front while our men would drop into the facility taking down the inside, freeing the POWs and gathering as much information we could.

The day moved pretty quick, almost no settling in before we were eating diner, more than normal before we decided to go get some sleep. It was still early but we would be leaving early, and jet lag had me beat.


It was 0300 when we were woken up and had to get ready. We only had about 15 minuets before we were loading on to truck, bussing us to the back of the base. The truck dropped us a mile away from the base, leaving us to walk the rest. We stuck to the tree lines, moving fast and low until we reach the clearing where the base stood, surround with guards, truck and tanks. We found a break in their security and made a run for the side door, finding a small group of soldiers just inside the hall.

"Andy take lead." Steve whispered. "Keep it quiet" I put my gun away and pulled out my throwing knives. I rounded the corner, standing straight as I found the cars.

"Heya boy!" I said as they all looked my way, I threw two knives, incapacitating two of the four men. I ran towards one, sliding the last few feet to knock his legs out from under neath him. I turned to the last man, grabbing his arm and pulling him towards me as he threw a punch. I threw my elbow into his face and knocked him out just as I heard another body drop behind me. I turned quickly around only to find Bucky, holding the butt of his gun towards another unconscious man. Another man started to yell behind me, My knife had only gone into his cheek, it hadn't taken him out. I quickly threw a punch to his nose so he knocked out.

"Keep moving." Steve said as he pushed pass us, entering the building. "Move, remember your tasks." We all busted in, quickly moving to the top of the stairs before the men opened fire on the hydra goons below. Steve and I headed down different hall, looking for any higher ups or on the off possibility of the Doctor from the last base. We didn't find anything but were able to find a few documents hinting towards the main hydra base.

Before long we were heading back to the area with the rest of the guys, joining in their fight against the opposing soldiers. We spent an hour clearing out the warehouses before explosions started taking them out for us, forcing us to join the fight out front with the other army soldiers.it wasn't long before the hydra soldiers were either shot or captured. More army trucks showed up soon, taking the Hydra soldiers away in handcuffs before we were shipped out and taken back to our base while more U.S. soldiers moved in to secure the wreckage.


Sorry about the shorter chapters, I didn't want to get too redundant so I'm going through these chapters fast. Next book is getting started and should be out as soon as this one ends. Next one will be based on the avengers and Steve waking up. I'm really excited for the third book which will be on the winter soldier. I'm thinking of skipping the Avengers, lmk what you think. 

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