Back in 1945 - Book 1

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"You don't look like no dame. Your pretty but then you gotta ruin it with those pants." Some man had said as he walked up behind me. I looked up from my news paper and just stared ahead at the street with few cars and fewer people. This guy was gonna make a move and I would be left by myself to deal with it.

"Sorry forgot to put on my best dress for ya" I said sarcastically as I loooked back down.

"Don't worry, I'll make it work" the man said as he turned me towards him, placing a hand above my head to corner me in. I looked just past him and saw two of his buddies sitting next to a car.

"Actually, I think I'm good" I said as I tried to push off the wall.

"Come on darlin" he s go aid as he pushed me back. "You could be with captain of the football team" then it hit, he went to my school, had a creepy stare for most girls in the school.

"Who said I wanted to be" I said just loud enough for his friends to hear. They laughed and I saw his face get red. I turned away and started walking with my newspaper in hand.

"Who said you got a choice?" He said as he grabbed my arm and threw me down into the alley. I stumbled and fell but quickly got back up.

"Hey!" I looked past the man in front of me to see a scrawny blonde haired kid from my class. "Leave her alone"

"Or what dick stick?" The man questioned. The kid put two fists up which result in the mans two friends to walk over, one of them grabbed his arms and holding them back as the other started throwing punches into his stomach.

I jumped forward and decked the man who had forced me into the alley, taking my chance to throw my knee into his crotch. Another punch to his fore head and he hit the ground hard. I threw a kick to his head before sprinting over to the other two men.

I threw a punch at the face of them man throwing punches at the scrawny kid that for some reason thought he could take this fight. He stumbled and I took my chance, forcefully throwing his head against the hood of a car. He stumbled back as I threw another punch and he hit the ground groaning. When I looked to the last man he was already throwing a punch towards me. I narrowly missed it, part of his fist still making contact with my jam.

"Hey!" I looked up and saw another man with black hair and poorer dress running towards us. The man who had hit me looked to him as I threw a punch towards his temple, sending stunning back against a car.

"Maybe you didn't need my saving" the man with black hair said as he knelt down next to the scrawny kid, slowly pulling him up.

"You know him?" I asked as I grabbed the kids hat.

"Yeah, he's a fucking idiot, but he's my friend" we both turned as we heard sirens and a police cruiser making its way down the street.

"Come on, let's go" I said as I helped him get the scrawny boy on his feet. We ran down the alley, jumping the fence in the middle as we kept running, finding another alley to take until we wound up in front of a diner.

"Come on" I said as I opened the door. "Guess I owe you guys a coffee." The two boys smiled at me as we walked inside, quickly taking a booth as a waitress walked over to us. She took our order of three coffees and walked away.

"So what's your name" I said as I sat forward and put my hands on the table, directing my attention to the blonde boy.

"Steve Rodgers" he said with a goofy grin.

"Well Steve Rodgers, thank you for the assist but I'm not sure you should be fighting"

"That's what I keep telling him" the brown haired boy said. "Can't pick fights with people stronger than you" Steve shunned away, seemingly annoyed with his friends words.

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