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Bucky's last week was almost up now, just one last day before we were gonna see him off, we'll one last night. We had decided it would be best spent drinking on Steve's back porch since his father wasn't home. We didn't even end up drinking that much, it was more of us looking back at our time together. We looked through pictures and just talked for hours, Bucky had spent the night before with his family so now it was just us. Steve had decided to go make up some beds in the living room which left me and Bucky in the back yard.

"Andy, you remember when we met?" Bucky asked me.

"No, not at all." I said sarcastically. He laughed as he looked towards the horizon.

"Well, I looked up at the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, saving my best friends ass." I felt like I knew all to well where this was going. "Come to find out the next day she also races cars for fun and and is just regularly pretty badass."

"Alright, what's all this ass kissing for?" I asked with a cynical smile.

"Andy." Bucky said as he straighten up, pulling closer as he made eye contact. "Your all I want when I come back, you are everything I need Andy. I want you to be my girl."

"What a way to phrase the question" I said sarcastically, Bucky giving me a little laugh. I liked Bucky and I think I liked him like that. He was cute and attractive, I was just nervous, if this fucked up then I lost Bucky and Steve, everything I had.

"Andy, I'm serious, I really like you. No more girls for Friday nights, I just want you."

"Alright Mr. Barnes. You got one chance and one chance only, I can't say the feelings haven't been completely mutual." His smile grew to twice what it was as he pulled my into a hug, trading his seat for one next to me.

"I swear, as soon as I'm back from basic, I'm taking you on a date you wouldn't believe."

"Oh that's quiet a promise Barnes. But why wait til now?"

"Mostly nervous, and I didn't feel like I was doing anything that made me worthy of you. You do so much Andrea, you are the most impressive person I know and I couldn't just waltz in with nothing to show. I wanted to be doing something that made me worthy of you, not just an anchor."

"Well James Buchanan Barnes, I didn't know you were a poet."

"Do you ever take things seriously?"

"Why would I do that?"

"I got just one month at basic, I swear as soon as I'm back, were going dancing and I'm gonna make you so happy." We spent a little while longer out there before Steve came back and we went inside. We stayed up for a little while longer before falling asleep.


The next day we went with Bucky to drop him off at the bus taking him to boot camp. Me and Steve both had work after so all three of us were in uniforms. He seemed like he was nervous but hiding it well. Steve said good bye before standing off to the side while Bucky turned his attention to me.

"You'll be here when I get back?" He asked.

"Your going to basic training for a month stop acting like it's gonna be a life time" I teased. "But, yes"

"Good" He said before he pulled me close for kiss. It had taken me by surprise but I was happy he did it. As he pulled away he moved to the bus as the horn went off. Steve and I watched as he sat in the window and the bus took off.

—/— Two weeks later—/—

Agent Carter ended up sending a car to pick me up from my "interview". She had ridden with me, asking me small talk questions which felt like an interrogation. It kept planning in my head that this was gonna be my one and only chance.

Back in 1945Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora