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 "London is a cool city, we should come back when there's not a war raging through it." I said as I watched the buildings pass out the window of the bus. We had spent the past couple of hours talking and getting to know a few other the other guys, just waiting to be dropped off at the SSR base. From what we heard Steve had earned a Medal of Honor for the rescue mission, supposed to be in Washington to receive it but he had chosen to stay and fight here. I was a little angry that I was ignored when it came down to that mission but I was still happy for Steve, he deserved something for how much of a fight he had to put up just to join the battle field.

When the bus pulled to a stop in front of a pub, Bucky helped me up, handing me my crutches from the seat behind us. We got off the bus, the soldiers heading for the Pub as we followed Carter into another car. It proved a little difficult getting the crutches in before we set off. We headed two blocks south until we were in front of a book shop. Agent Carter lead us in, giving an elderly man a password similar to the old one before we entered the hidden bunker where SSR operations were in full swing.

"This is where you were working?" Bucky asked as looked around in shock.

"Mostly training, esponage and all, disarming bombs, I think the base in New York is bigger though." I boasted. Steve scoffed at my comment, knowing I was just trying to show off. We were shown to a conference room with a tase in the middle, with a map that looked like the one we saw in the Hydra base.

Rogers took the lead, giving an almost perfect description of the map before looking at Carter.

"I only got a quick look." He said as they took the map away.

"well, no ones perfect." She joked.

"These are the Hydra factories we know about" Colonel Philips said as she lead us to another map, this one with small building to show where the factories laid. "Sergeant Barnes said that Hydra shipped all parts to another facility that isn't on this map. Agent Carter coordinate with MI6, I want every alien eyeball looking for that main Hydra base."

"What about us?" I asked.

"We are going to set a fire under Johann Schmidt's ass. What do you say Rogers? It's your map.you think you can wipe Hydra off it?"

"Yes sire. I'll need a team."

"Were already putting together the best men."

"With all due respect sir, so am I."

"Suit yourself, dismissed." Steve lead us back outside and started walking to a hotel. Tomorrow were flying back to the states, first thing in the morning. The place was full refugees, soldiers waiting to ship home and visitors, leaving Steve, Bucky and I to share a room. There wasn't any complaints, me and Bucky sharing the bed as Steve went out to grab some food.

"Andy?' I turned looked up at Bucky before looking back down at my book.

"What's up?"

"I just wanna...I just wanna say, I'm an idiot." I closed my book and look up at Bucky. "I shouldn't have said all those things and blown up when you told me you were joining. I hate every second of it after. When I got captured, I spent the whole time just thinking about you, wishing I could get home so I could make things right with you, just be with you. Andy, all I wanted was to be with you again, there is absolutely no one else I rather be with than you Andy, I just want things to be fixed and just want you back. I never wanna lose you again." He took a seat next to me.

"I know Bucky, why do you think I came to get you ?" I joked.

"Andy, it made me realize that I don't ever wanna lose you again."

"who said you would?" I said as I pushed him down against the bed.

"Andy, what are you-" I hopped on top of him, pushing my lips against his as we started making out. I started grinding against him, getting moans from him as pulled at his bottom lip with my teeth.

"Don't worry about it." I said before pulling him into another kiss. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I got up, limping over to the door before finding Steve on the other side, MREs in hand.

"More much?" I asked as he walked in.

"Sorry your hieness, the gourmet kitchen was closed." He teased. We sat there eating and playing cards well into the night. We had skipped sleeping, the feeling of the three of us together again in a familiar setting just making the sleepless night look so enticing. 

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