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The next morning I woke up and forced myself out of bed. Monday mornings were usually bad, but today I was in pain and didn't wanna force myself out of bed. It had been a long time since my father had been that angry, had been that rough.

I made my way out of bed despite the protest from my body. Dressing was uncomfortable to say the least, but I grabbed my bag and made my way downstairs. I could hear my father starting to wake up, running out of the house without a second thought what else I needed to do.

"Andy!" Steve said as he and Bucky stood in their usually spots. It had completely forgotten about them being there. They had started asking about bruises and scratches that showed up on my body, probably putting together the pieces by now.

"What the hell?-" Bucky said as I pushed past the two of them.

"Come on let's go" I said as I attempted to keep walking.

"Andy! No-" buck said as he grabbed my weak shoulder to turn me around. I yelped and quickly shoved his arm off. "Jesus Christ what happened?"

"I dislocated my shoulder." I said as I focused on Buckys bag strap. "Fell down the stairs"

"Yeah, right, some fucking stairs." Bucky said as he turned towards my house and started marching up.

"Buck no!" I said as I went after him. Steve tried to block my way but I pushed past him easy. I ran up and grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Andy this isn't right!" He yelled.

"He's right Andy. You don't deserve this, but he does." Steve chimed in.

"Doesn't matter, for now, just gotta deal with him drinking, every once in a while he gets a little to drunk, it's fine. I can handle it."

"Handle it-" Bucky fumed. "He threw out your shoulder Andy, this is way to far!"

"You think I can't handle it on my own?" I said switching to a much more serious tone. "Right I'm just a dumb brode, don't know how to stand my own." I said as I grabbed a fist full of his hair and pulled him down the steps. "If that's what you really think Buck maybe you should stop coming around.

"Andy you know that's not what I mean! I've seen you pull through scraps, and that's what making me mad, your letting him!"

"So what Bucky? What do I do? I got a year then I can leave. I'm just waiting til I can leave and then I don't have to face him again."

"Come on." Steve said. "Screw school, we're going to my house. My dad will be at work all day." Steve simply turned away, expecting us to follow him, which we did. It was a silent walk, which hadn't happened between us before.

We were still silent when we walked into Steve's house, Rodgers being the only one willing to break it.

"Sit on the couch" he motioned to me. "Buck you know where the first aid kit is." I sat down, taking off my jacket and bag.

"Shouldn't you be at the doctors or something if you dislocated your shoulder?" Bucky asked as he returned into the room.

"No I pooped it back in place. It's fine, just sore." I said as I looked to the ground.

" we care about you Andy" Steve said as he came in with a glass of water. "Don't like watching you come to class with bruises and cuts, and now this."

"He kinda rearranged your face" buck intruppted.

"You got a hand mirror?" I asked Steve, forgetting I had hit my face. I winced, not having paid attention to Bucky. He had got a cotton swap and dipped it in alcohol to start cleaning the cuts on my arm.

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