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—/—Two moths later—/—

Bucky's training had been extended, since he had spent time at college they wanted him promoted fast, so he was spending another month in training to promote him to sergeant. Steve and I spent a lot of time together, especially when his father passed and he decided to move into the apartment next to me. He took his fathers death pretty well, he had been sick for a long time and we knew it was coming for awhile.

Today was Bucky's homecoming day, according to his letters he had 3 weeks before he deployed. We had walked to the near by bus stop where Bucky was supposed to meet us. Finally the bus pulled up, cutting mine and Steve's conversation.

"The man himself" Steve said as he walked up to Bucky, with me in tow.

"No need to worry my friends the cool one has returned." Bucky said as he put his arms around Steve.

"Don't flatter yourself" Steve said as he pulled away.

"And the girl of the hour" Bucky said as he moved towards me. He out his arms around me, pulling me into a brief kiss that seemed like he wanted to be longer, we both did. "Still behind what was said before I left? Be my girl?"

"Absolutely" I said. We went back to Bucky's parents house for lunch, His mother looking worse for weather. In one of Bucky's letters he mentioned she getting sick, the really bad kind of sick as he put it.

Afterwards Steve was off to work and Bucky had come with me back to my place.

"I'm just gonna grab a jacket and a change of shoes" I said as I unlocked the door. "Unless I should be wearing something else?" I said as I looked to him.

"For tonight, what your wearing is absolutely beautiful." Bucky smiled.

"Here, I'll grab it for you" I smiled as we walked in, quickly realizing I had left my uniform hanging on the back of my door. I ran and cut him off.

"You just got back from war" I said as I tried to stop him from entering. "It would be improper putting you to work."

"I just got back from basic" He saimwith a questioning look. "And this definitely doesn't sound like the Andy I know."

"Maybe I wanna put something specail on under"

"I won't argue with that" he said as he move back to the living room. I quickly moved to throw my uniforms deep into my closet before doing as I initially came in to do, grabbing a jacket and more comfortable shoes before meeting Bucky up front again. We made our way to the beach, Bucky getting us some corn dogs as we went to sit on the sand.

"Just a simple night on the beach?" I asked as we took you seat.

"Well I was gonna call it a simple date on the beach." He said as he held a smug smirk on his face. "You don't like it?"

"No, I love it, just doesn't seem that on par for the infamous leadsman Bucky Barnes."

"Maybe your right" He said as he leaned beckon one hand. "But I know you, this is the kind of thing you would prefer."
"I think I do" We spent hours there talking, feeling like this was all either of us needed. We went back to my place eventually, laying together on my bed, still talking about everything. It was a perfect night.

The next day Bucky had made breakfast while I slept in.

"I wanna make this weekend about you and me" He said as we began to eat. Over Bucky's time at basic, we had exchanged a lot of letters which had drawn us closer. I was falling in love with him, and I think he was to.

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