Chapter Six: Mr. Jeon the Math Tutor

Start from the beginning

"Alright, ten minutes, ready?" Mr. Joen checked the clock and they both focused furiously on their drawings. Before he knew it, his Dad's voice rumbled out: "One minute left!"

Jungkook finalized a few details of his city scene and finally his Dad called: "Time!"

Him and his Dad pushed their drawings together. Jungkook gasped. His father's picture was insane. The street disappeared into a point in the distance, and all the buildings were so straight, their rooftops all aligned at the perfect angle to create depth and perspective in the drawing.

"Appa, how did you do this?" Jungkook asked, amazed.

Mr. Jeon:

"With geometry!" Mr. Jeon said with a chuckle. He showed Jungkook how to do the perspective drawing, explaining the importance of the angles. By the end of the night Jungkook could draw a city scene using geometry.

Mr. Jeon felt very pleased and joined Jungkook's Mom who was reading in bed. She looked up at his happy face and smiled.

"How did it go, you helped Jungkook finish his homework?"

Mr. Jeon's face froze as he realized they hadn't actually ever done Jungkook's homework.

"Oh, um....well, I showed him how to draw city scenes using geometry..." He said, feeling ashamed he had gotten distracted and forgotten what he was actually supposed to be doing with Jungkook.

His wife laughed. "You two, you are too alike." But there was no criticism in it. As he snuggled up to her in bed, she kissed him and said: "I'm sure Jungkook loved it."

Mr. Jeon felt waves of love for this incredible woman, this incredible mother.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" He sighed, kissing her head.

"I can think of some things you are pretty good at..." she teased, and he pressed his lips to hers.


The next night....


"Okay Jungkookah, we actually should do your math homework tonight," Mr. Jeon said to him over dinner. Jungkook felt his heart initially drop, but there was also a part of him that felt hopeful, that felt relief, that didn't want to repeat 5th grade because he had failed math...

"Okay," he said, nervously.

After dinner they sat together at his desk and Jungkook pushed a new sheet of problems at his Dad. His Dad once again swallowed and smiled at him nervously while he re-read the steps in the book.

"Okay, okay, so...try the first problem, Jungkookah, what would you do?"

Jungkook did the initial step and then froze. "I don't know," he muttered, "I hate this."

"Look," his Dad pushed the textbook with it's steps aside. "Honestly, I think the way they explain it is kind of confusing! Do you remember when we were doing city scapes last night, how we related everything back to the perspective point?"

His Dad began to explain how to solve the geometry problems in a different way.

"It all just adds up to 360 Jungkook, I know you can add. So it's simple really, just do the right angles first, or look at this one, do you know what that angle is?" His Dad pointed at an odd shape with a backward angle."

"270 degrees. Remember what a 270 degree jump is, in Tae Kwondo?"

"A three quarter turn?" Jungkook asked.

"Right, look at the angle. A 180 jump is turning around, that's a straight line. 270 is around plus halfway to a full turn, you see it."

Jungkook felt himself understanding suddenly, years of Tae Kwondo turns burned into his body. His brain needed to understand things like that, his body needed to move for his brain to move.

"So look, all you do is make the angles add to 360 for rectangles and 180 for triangles which.. He folded the homework paper in half diagonally, "because a triangle is half the area of rectangles." Jungkook had never understood these things so well. He looked amazed at his Dad.

"So it's a matter of adding...adding those angles and also the lengths on the sides. And I know you can add, Jungkookah." His Dad smiled suddenly as he realized Jungkook was smiling oddly at him. Jungkook nodded and pulled the paper toward him...


Mr. Jeon:

Jungkook's Dad threw himself down in bed next to his gorgeous wife, reading in her glasses, hair tucked behind her ears... he threw his arm over her waist and buried his head in her side.

"Darling, how did it go tonight?" she asked, arm rubbing his back.

"We did it." Mr. Jeon groaned into her side. "He gets it now."

Jungkook's Mom pushed him up so she could see into his face. "Just like that, he gets it?"

"Yeah." He rubbed his face and flipped over onto his back, staring at the ceiling. "I explained it a different way, the way they were doing it in the book was very tedious, he didn't get it."

"You are incredible," she said, putting her book down and snuggling into his side, kissing him on the cheek.  


Author Note: 

Finally we get to see how incredible Jungkook's Dad is, too!!   Jungkook was so lucky!  

Also I find these sweet little romance moments between his parents to be so adorable!!  Like this is who Jungkook learned how to love so tenderly from; why he is such an amazing partner for Jiminie!!   🥰🥰🥰

This is as far as I've written so I won't promise to update again in 2 days but I hope to, if I can get the next chapter done before then.  (I have this book all planned out I just need to finish typing it up.) 

Did you guys see the new Butter Teaser??




In fact, I might pause updates for a couple days after Butter drops so we can just focus on streaming 24/7 for our boys!!!  EEEEEEEEEEEEE

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