"Annabeth Chase, a special agent at Lake Valor," I replied. 

Reyna and I both nodded as our attention fixed to the bombs. 

"We have to stop those bastards," she muttered. Her tone emphasized that she had personal issues with the terrorist groups. That made me like her more. 

She was determined to stop the bad people. We were very similar as she was also intelligent, powerful, and a leader. 

"It's a pleasure to be able to work with you and the MI6 to do just that," I said firmly. 

Reyna turned to me and nodded firmly. I could imagine a smile on her face because it was on mine. I think that we were both relieved that we weren't walking into this alone. 


The plane landed after several hours. The whole point was to get here to the secret main rally point of WiCKeD and BlodgeHarm. 

I had no clue where we were. Neither did Reyna. 

Regardless, there were dozens of terrorist soldiers waiting at the runway. We had to regretfully help them unload all of the nuclear bombs into trucks. 

Apparently, this plane had to leave again to the other major bomb station in Italy.

It took five massive trucks to load the bombs safely. It was hard work, but Reyna and I had to maintain our covers. We stowed away in one of the trucks rather than getting back on the plane like many of the soldiers did. 

Obviously, we had to follow the bombs to find Kronos and Krios. 

We were on a private runway in the middle of a forest, so there was no indication of our location. I was looking around before getting into one of the trucks. 

Suddenly, a voice boomed for us to stop. 

Reyna and I both froze outside of the truck's open door. 

"Soldiers, you were ordered to get back on the plane. Your purpose is to help secure the bombs in Italy as well," another soldier boomed. 

He didn't wear his mask, which indicated that he was of higher rank. 

"Yes, sir, however, we were told to get in the truck," Reyna recovered quickly. She certainly had more experience than I did with being undercover. 

After all, I was still a recruit in training. 

"Who told you this information?" the lieutenant boomed as he came closer. His gun was in his hand as he stomped towards us. 

"Sir, this truck has no straps. The other lieutenant ordered us to stay and secure the bombs during the drive," I said firmly.

It was a complete lie. I didn't even know if there was an additional leader here. However, I was going to do anything to cover my tracks. 

This lieutenant immediately came forward and raised his gun, but I was ready for it. 

My arm slashed forward as I caught his wrist and kneed his stomach. The lieutenant groaned before I knocked the gun out of his hand. The gun clattered against the asphalt. I didn't waste any time in jump kicking the lieutenant across the head. 

He crumbled to the ground as I quickly grabbed his gun. 

However, the soldier was unconscious.

"Good work," Reyna said in an impressed tone. Reyna quickly dragged the lieutenant to the truck, and we hoisted him into the truck. 

I holstered the gun into my pants in the back. I used my shirt to cover the gun and then fixed my padded vest. A weapon was always useful in an undercover mission. Reyna and I quickly entered the truck and closed the doors before anyone else can find us. 

Trust No OneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz