"...That's a lot to take in..."

"Yeah, I'm sorry you had to listen to all of that..." Y/n said with the soft blushing look on his face, unaware that his feelings were now mixed and sensitive, a few tears threatened to fall down but it wasn't from sadness.

Happiness, without the girl in his life he'd probably gone nowhere with himself. His school life, music career, it's like she was the motivation that he grabbed unintentionally as he was able to look forward to another day so he could show off a piece to his kouhai.

There was no way that Y/n wanted to let her go, at least now as he hoped for a bright future with Nagatoro on his side.

"So, what's the plan?"

...Yet at the same time...

"What do you mean?"

...His future with her wasn't guaranteed...

"What are you going to do? Are you gonna go for it soon or just take things slow and steady and work your way up?"

It wasn't a perfect match and Y/n knew it. A popular kouhai who had a passion for sports going out with a quiet lonely boy who dedicated his life to music?

Sure it could work out but that was just the surface of it.

Her taunts, her unreadable attitude in the room, her reputation with every boy he saw in school especially with his two rivals, his head just whirled like crazy because there's a huge chance she's just doing this because it's fun.

Her friends were the same, there was a chance this was all an act as the boy just shakes his head. He has to face reality since he could recognize the large flaw in him.

"I dunno... I'll just let things flow for now... If it doesn't work out, it's fine... If it does, lucky me..."

It was confidence.

Yeah, he gains confidence when he performs and sing songs but that was the other him. Scourge as this is Y/n we were talking about. Not a lot of people liked him and that's something he heard before s million times. It was their opinion and it was true so what's the point in trying?

Y/n hoped to cross that bridge one day and cross it safely. But for now, he had to wait. And he's fine with waiting.

Because in the end, it's all in the past and you can't do anything about it once it's finished.

"...Wanna hear a piece I finished last night?"


A boy was playing a guitar in his clubroom, soft and... and dark as the lights were out and the windows were closed off with a few black curtains...

...What is going on?

It's just him, senpai as his notes connected together in a string to produce some dark tunes. Like the atmosphere that Y/n made, staying silent as his guitar continued to play at such a low level.

...I can't wait to tell Nagatoro how I feel...

Y/n was smiling for a second but the frown appeared back on his face, sitting on his stool with his fingers plucking softly at his guitar.

Nagatoro Hayase x Singer Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now