"It wasn't supposed to happen like this."

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The pain within Itachi was almost unbearable to see. Eyes so normally filled with light and laughter, now held shedding tears. His once vibrant voice was whispering pleas for his father to awaken. Now standing behind his crouched body was Uchiha, Mikoto. Her sobs were loud and uncontrolled, her hands cupped over her mouth trying to silent them - though her attempts were futile.

Though all I felt was pure adrenaline. I hesitantly walk over to Itachi and crouch beside him. I'm no good at comforting people, I never have been, but for Itachi I sure as hell will try.

I place my hand on his back, and he looks up towards me. Saying nothing, he leans into my chest, sobs racking his body. I gently cradle his head, I don't think anything I say right now could be helpful.

Silently, I beckon for Mikoto to join our hug as well, she needs comfort just as much as Itachi does.

For the next fifteen minutes, the three of us sit on our knees hugging each other over Fugaku's dead body. Tears have yet to leave my eyes, rather I feel numb.

Once Mikoto breaks away from the hug, so does Itachi, we stand and look at each other. That is until explosions begin to go off in the distance.

It begins at the front of the compound, near the gates. The homes there exploding from some sort of jutsu, until more and more homes slowly begin to burst into flames.

Rushing outside just in time to see my own home explode. I stand still in shock of what is transpiring.

Once the final bomb goes off at the main household, I'm jerked forward onto the gravel road.

All I can hear is an incessant ringing in my ears. Everything else is just dulled background noise, and the people are just blurs. My vision is hazy and unfocused, but all I can think about is if Itachi is okay.

Once I stand and come back into focus minutes later, I realize just how important those minutes were. Just how much I failed within those minutes. I frantically look around me, everywhere within my sight is the dead and injured bodies of my family and orange blazing fire.

When I spot Itachi's body covering his mothers, as he was trying to protect her, I sprint over to him. He falls back onto his butt and coughs. When he falls, so does Mikoto, except she isn't conscious.

It's a horrifying sight. Seeing everyone I grew up with laying in tatters around me. Where is Shisui? How did things escalate this quickly? Oh god, what about Sasuke?

"Itachi!" I exasperatedly say, wrapping my arms around him as soon as I get to him. "Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" I question, to which he shakes his head in denial, though he is still coughing.

I quickly press my lips to his, scared that this may never happen again. He reciprocates, and I pull away just as fast as I began.

"Goddamnit what is happening?" I ask, even though I know he is just as clueless as I am. "Fuck, this is exactly what I was training to prevent. How could I let this happen?" I speak to myself more so than the man in front of me.

"Shh, y/n it will be okay," The raven haired shinobi comforts me, placing a hand to my cheek.

What was meant to be a comforting touch turned terrifying. The wetness on my cheeks was not from me crying, it was from the hand that was placed there. Looking down I see Itachi's other hand placed on his abdomen, equally as bloody. "No, no, no, no, no, Itachi," I whisper, tears freely coming down my face.

Itachi smiles at me, though the blood coating his teeth makes it rather unnerving. "I love you y/n," He weakly says as I lay him down so he doesn't waste strength.

"Don't say that yet Itachi, don't act like this is the end. We have so much to do, you are not going to die." I summon chakra to my hands, but in the end it flickers out. "Fuck!" I exclaim, terrified of everything that's happening.

"Y/n," I look at the man I'm so desperately in love with. "I love you so much, thank you for being with me, thank you for making me live."

"No, no, no," My volume gets louder as I continue to repeat this mantra, "We haven't finished our list yet, we...we have so much more to do Itachi," I lightly place my head onto his chest, sobbing uncontrollably. His injuries are severe, and with no chakra there's no way I can heal him.

"HELP, SOMEBODY PLEASE COME HELP," My screams were useless considering there was no one within our range who is even conscious. "Just, just wait here, I'll go get medical help."

As I go to get up Itachi grabs my hand, "Don't. Spend these last moments with me please."

Relaxing myself back at his side, I cradle his face in my hands, whispering over and over just how much I love him. The pain in my chest is unbearable, and my throat seems to be letting in less and less air.

I repeat my mantra of love until Itachi smiles and his eyes close. "NO!" I break down, crying until eventually my own vision fades.

It wasn't supposed to happen like this.

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