"Itachi really is something else, isn't he."

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As Itachi and I lay on the ground, looking at the stars, I feel peace. Itachi really wasn't so bad. "Hey Itachi?" I ask, my eyes not leaving the starry night above us.


"What do you want to do when you're older?"

He ponders the question for a while, breathing in a sigh, then saying, "Well, I want to rid the shinobi world of violence. I know it's a big dream, and with the cloud threatening us, it may be more difficult, but I want us to be in a time of peace." I shift my head to look at his side profile. His onyx eyes shimmer under the moonlight. He leaves me almost speechless with how perfect he looks. He really is attractive, there's no denying that. Not to mention the fact he only wants peace within our world. It's noble of him. I wish I hadn't misjudged him for so long. "It may seem silly to you," He finishes. He turns his head, just as I did a few seconds before. Our faces were barely an inch apart, and both of our eyes widened in shock. I get lost in his eyes, that are so hard to read.

My face calms down, and I reach a hand up to his head. My fingers run through his dark locks, "I think it's an amazing goal," I whisper, my eyes never leaving his. As my thumb gently brushes over his soft cheek, I add, "I would like to help you accomplish it."

Itachi softly smiles, "Of course, I would like that." His voice matched my whisper.

I sigh, and rest my forehead against his. "Is this okay?" My desire to be near Itachi is so high. Though we haven't been on good terms for long, something about him just draws me in.

He gives me a nod, I close my eyes, and scoot my body closer to his. I move my head to his shoulder, our chest's pressed against each other. His left arm comes and wraps itself around my waist. "Something about you, Itachi, makes me want to be close to you. Why is it that I forced myself to hate you, yet I opened up to you so easily?" I whisper, practically into his ear.

"I'm not sure, but I'm not exactly upset about it." His deep voice whispers back. When he spoke, my stomach twisted into something I've never felt before.

This twist wasn't of nervousness or anxiety, like the ones I would get before speaking with my Father or my peers, but rather one of excitement? I'm not sure, but I think I like it.

"As much as I'm enjoying this, we should probably head home." His voice, still a whisper, cuts into my thoughts.

"Yes, you're right. I believe we have training tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah." He pulls away from our embrace and stands up. I sat on my butt, still somewhat dazed over how close we were, and how easily I had trusted him. I almost missed the hand he held out.

The way his soft fingers curled, practically calling out for me to take it. The calluses on his hand begging to be held, smoothed out. I placed my hand within his, and allowed him to pull me to my feet. This action, once again, pulls us chest to chest and our faces barely apart. Instinctively, my free hand is placed on his toned chest, while the other is enclosed with his own. His other hand was placed on the small of my back. His eyes seem to have a way of enrapturing me, even without genjutsu. "Uhm...thanks," I finally speak, making the atmosphere awkward.

"Yeah, no problem." He doesn't let go of my hand, nor do I necessarily want him to. Man, what has gotten into me? "Oh, I almost forgot, Mother wants you to come over for dinner tomorrow, if that's okay with you of course."

"Yeah, sure that sounds great."

"Great, I'll pick you up beforehand then." I smile and nod at his suggestion. "Say y/n, do you trust me?" A smirk grows onto Itachi's features. Hesitantly I nod, wanting to know what he has in store. "Perfect." He pulls me into his arms, and jumps off the stone faces.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?" I yelled, terrified. He simply laughs, and bites his thumb. He summons a giant crow that lands beneath us.

We land on the crow, and adjust our positions, so I'm holding onto Itachi from behind. My hands are clasped together while resting on his toned abdomen.

The giant crow flies high above the village. Its midnight wings soaring through the sky, while we sit on its back. It's truly amazing being able to have the opportunity to fly.

Addrenelan coursed through my veins. I felt free for the first time in a long time. Slowly letting go of Itachi, I stood up on the crows back.

I've never felt something quite like this before. The lights from the village were so small below us. They seemed like ants, tiny and crushable. The view is amazing.

I spread my arms out, just as if I were the bird flying us. A bright smile adornes my face. I look down, only to see Itachi looking back up at me, smiling just as much as I.

After many more minutes of this, the black bird lands back atop the hokage's stone faces. Itachi slides off, and holds his hand out for me to take. My smile never left my face.

My feet hit the ground, and the crow leaves with a puff of smoke. "Itachi, that was amazing. I've always wanted to fly, but I didn't think it was possible."

Itachi laughs. "What are some other things you've always wanted to do y/n?"

My face contorts into one of curiosity. "What do you mean?"

"Exactly as it sounds. What are some things you've always wanted to do?"

"What? Like make a list?"

"Precisely. Make a list, and come by tomorrow. I want to complete them with you. Consider it something of a bonding exercise. I want us to become closer." My grin only becomes wider at this. I ferociously nod, and say, "Sure, should I just stop by after training?"

"Sounds good y/n." He gives me his own soft smile. "Let's get you home."

Right when I arrived home, I started making my list. I could now cross flying off of it. Something about this makes me feel something of excitement.

I better finish this list.

Itachi really is something else isn't he?

sorry for the shorter chapter, i hope you enjoy all the same. i'll try and get chapter four out as soon as i can :)

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