"It was easier than I though to fall asleep in Itachi's arms."

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Waking up to warm sun rays hitting my skin was something I will forever enjoy. Peaceful - it's utterly and undeniably peaceful. Sitting up from my warm comforters, I decided to get ready for my mission debrief. Putting on my ninja gear, I gathered my weapons and pouch, placing them in as neatly as possible. Slipping on my sandals, I decided I needed to leave in order to make it to the Hokage's office on time.

I leisurely walk out of my house - out of the Uchiha compound, and towards the far end of the village, where Minato's office resides. Hoping to see Itachi on my way, I found myself disappointed in the missing pair of footsteps.

Keeping my hands shoved into my pockets, back bent slightly, and feet lightly carrying me, I enjoy my walk through the place I call home. Looking around me at all the shops, vendors, and families - I realize just how much this village means to me. Not only me, so many within the walls of the leaf. This village is something - a place - people can call home. I'm lucky enough to be able to call it just that.

Being within my thoughts like this makes me feel selfish. I had always fought to protect myself, and to make my father proud. Whereas Itachi - along with many others, fight to protect the village and the people within it. They are anything but selfish. Selfless is a better word to describe them as. Selfless to give up everything for citizens they aren't even aware exist.

How I wish I could be selfless like them, but I don't think I could. Not alone at least. Not with how I am right now.

Arriving at the Hokage's office, I walk up the stairs to my waiting teammates. They stare at me, annoyance written on each of their faces. "You're late y/n," Minato sternly states.

"Huh? But I made sure to leave at 9:45, that's perfect walking time," I replied in confusion.

"9:45? It's 11:00 right now. There's no way it took you over an hour to walk here," Jake states, matter of factly. I roll my eyes and say, "It didn't."

"Well whatever, you're here now. Lord Hokage?" Jake says. Minato speaks up, "Ahem," He clears his throat. "Yes, well this mission is somewhat of an easy one, though..." He seems hesitant to continue. "You see, y/n will be one of the leaders of this mission, along with one of you boys." We all look questioningly, wondering why he hadn't just outright told us who else it would be. "This mission is something you might not particularly enjoy y/n." "Oh boy," I whisper below my breath. "In place of a pair of newlyweds on a honeymoon, y/n and one of you will have to act as said newlyweds. You see, this couple is being hunted down by rogue ninjas, possibly with the akatsuki, trying to gather information they have on the hidden leaf. Normally, since these two are Jonin, I would send them, but the woman, Alexa, is three months along. I will have no harm come to her or her child. Please take this mission with caution, and accomplish it with no mistakes. Understood?" We all nod. "Good, you can decide who will lead the mission alongside y/n, you leave tomorrow morning at 8:00." Before I could speak up with my unanswered questions, Itachi took a step forward. "I will lead the mission with y/n." Minato smiled and nodded.

"Hey! I wanted to lead the mission." Jake spurts, whining like a baby.

"Oh shut up Jake," Kakashi says, hitting him upside the back of the head.

"Whatever, I need to go pack. See ya," I say, throwing a small wave as I exit the room. Setting off towards home, I begin to mentally prepare. Okay, so Itachi and I have to act like newlyweds. No big deal. I can do this.

Who am I kidding? No I can't. God, I'm a nervous wreck. I'm not even sure why I'm nervous. It's not like we're actually a couple. It's a simple mission y/n, pull yourself together.

I audibly huff at my thoughts. Hopefully packing will get my mind off of it for a while.


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