"Why do I always seem to make mistakes?"

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A week has passed since my training has begun, and I've yet to train with Itachi. Thankfully. I'm worried it may be awkward, but more than that, I'm worried he will see me as a failure to the clan, rather than the person who is to end the war.

I mean, I have none of the special powers done and well, except Susanoo and Amaterasu. I have been training my Kagutsuchi, because I already have mastery of Amaterasu. We thought this would be the easiest. We were right, I've been able to make my flames any shape I desire, and my training for this is coming to an end soon.

I hope the other powers are just as easy to master as this, though I know they won't be. Today I begin my training with Obito, he's teaching me how to use Kamui. I've always been fascinated with this power, now the notion that I'll be able to use it myself is honestly scary.

I'm scared that people are going to be depending on me, unknowingly too. I'm really not all they're cracking me up to be, I'm only an eighteen year old girl who couldn't even save her family.

Brushing off my thoughts, I change into my ninja gear. Sighing heavily, I open my front door to head to the training grounds.

My walk was quick and boring, but my nerves kept plaguing my thoughts. I really like Obito, he's always been quite nice to me, but I don't know what his training style is. Especially when the training is as important as this.

"Y/n! Hey!" I hear Obito's energetic voice from in front of me. There he stands, clad in a plum high neck uchiha clan shirt, grey pants, and grey ninja sandals. His brown hair sways with the light spring breeze, and his smile seems brighter than the sun itself. Yes, this is Obito, the exciting, happy, man who still wants to become Hokage.

A smile creeps onto my face as well, I just can't help but receive the good energy coming from him. "Hey Obi," I say back.

Walking up to him, and standing a few feet apart, he claps his hands and says, "Alright let's get started."

I nod. "What did you do to master your power?"

He sheepishly smiles, "Ah heh well you see, it just kind of...happened?"

I look at him like he's an idiot. Well, at this point he may as well be. "Obi, give me some tips."

"Yeah yeah, I suppose the first thing you should do is to try and make a part of your body as intangible as you can."

"Okay, though this may be quite difficult," with that statement, I looked at my hand and activated my Mangekyou Sharingan.

Focus, focus, focus.

Come on y/n, you got this.

Sure enough, my hand began to tingle the slightest bit. Beginning in my palm, and slowly stretching to the tips of my fingers. The tingling began to grow more intense the more I focused on my hand.

Obito walked up to me, and slapped the back of my hand ; his hand went through as though mine wasn't actually there.

A large grin spreads to not only Obito's face, but mine as well. I take in a deep breath, and prepare to make more of my body intangible.

I know my hand is being travelled into another time and space, but which one is what I'm unsure of.

The tingling intensely spreads up my arm, reaching my shoulder and stopping. The tingling now felt like needles, slowly growing into sharp knives.

Unable to handle the growing pain, I deactivate my sharingan. "Obito, if my body is being transported into another time and space, how do I control where it goes?"

"Well, much like what you just did, focus on what you need to transfer, and exactly where you wish to transfer it. Though I'm astonished you were able to gain the ability so quickly." He replied, voice holding joy.

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