"You'll never have my eyes, motherfucker."

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Waking up the next morning should have been blissful, except for the fact that, again, Shisui had walked in on us. I was awoken to stomping footsteps, and my bedroom door being thrown open. Seeing Itachi's drowsy eyes, it seems he was also woken up by this.

"Oh my God!" Shisui yells upon seeing me and Itachi cuddling naked.

"Goddamnit Shi, have you ever heard of knocking!" I yell, quickly covering myself. Shisui turns his back to us, but continues to talk.

"Sorry y/n, no time right now, the main house is under attack. You need to come straight away."

My eyes widen in urgency, and my brain goes into panic mode. I can only assume Itachi does the same. I rush to quickly throw on clothes, and Itachi grabs his discarded ones from the floor.

There's no time for awkwardness, which I am slightly grateful for.

The three of us run as quickly as we can to Itachi's home. Standing outside is s crying Sasuke with his grandparents, I hope Mikoto is fighting and not injured.

Perched upon the roof are three Hyuugas, along with many outside the house, blocking anyone from getting in or out.

Walking up to the distressed little boy, I ask him how he got out of the house and what had transpired. Sasuke responds in choked sobs, whilst Itachi wraps his arms around his brother. "They just came and started throwing kunai and shuriken, I jumped out of my bedroom window and got granny and papa. Mom told me to get them before going back downstairs, I heard her scream, please tell me she's okay!"

"Shh, Sasuke, I'm sure she's fine. Itachi and I have to go help your parents, stay safe," I say in response, looking towards the frightened elders. I assume they're Mikotos parents, considering Fugakus died early on in his life. At least that's what I was told.

Running to the front doors of the house, about 20 feet away, I begin to fight three Hyuugas. "Shisui, roof." I hear Itachi yell while he begins to fight the two others that border the house.

Activating my sharingan, I begin to use simple taijutsu, I need to reserve my chakra as much as I can.

Though the three ninja were surprisingly easy to take down, they couldn't be ranked higher than Chunin.

Knocking each of them out, I look around to see Itachi finishing his fight as well. Shisui is still on the roof, looking a bit worn out. He hasn't effectively defeated ant of them yet, though they must be harder opponents. What are they up to sending weak ninja? They have to have some other motive.

Inwardly shrugging, I open the door of the house. Upon stepping inside, I'm mortified.

There is blood everywhere, and standing in the middle of it all is Hiashi Hyuuga. Blood lines the walls in handprints and splatters, the scene is ruthless.

I notice Hiashi holding something in his blood coated hand. It looks to be rather large, but I'm unable to see what it is - that is until he drops it on a body laying on the floor.

It's a heart - and the body is Uchiha, Fugaku.

I look to Itachi to gauge his reaction, though he seems to be stuck in shock. "Where is my mother." He sternly, almost frighteningly, says to Hiashi.

"Oh, her? Somewhere over there," Hiashi carelessly responds, pointing to the kitchen area.

Running over there, I see Mikoto on the ground, thankfully still breathing. Brining chakra to my hands, I begin to heal her wounds. I start with the obvious gash going across her chest, and heal til there are only small cuts and bruises left.

MIkoto is now awake, though dazed. "Where am I?"

"We're in your kitchen, I need you to stay still while Itachi and I fight Hiashi. Okay?" She nods in response, and I run back to the living room.

"Hiashi, you're a deadman." Itachi seaths. Anger is very apparent among his features, while he grabs a kunai and leans forward in preparation to attack.

I flare my Mangekyou Sharingan, ready for battle. "You killed Fugaku, as Itachi said, you're a deadman Hiashi Hyuuga." I say, placing a mask of coldness on my face.

Hiashi laughs at our statements, "What are two weaklings going to do to me? You're ridiculous if you think you have a chance of even landing a scratch on me."

My rage begins to grow. How dare he kill someone from our clan? How dare he kill Fugaku? How dare he even attack?

I activate my Sozo, and throw random items at Hiashi in a whirlwind of rage. He effectively blocks them all, though this fuels my rage all the more. Clenching my fists, I focus my chakra onto Hiashi himself. I aim to throw him against the wall.

I do just that, and he flies backwards. Though the strain on my eyes is quite painful. "Itachi, now." I exclaim, letting him get revenge for the death of his father.

Itachi slowly and shakily walks up to Hiashi's groaning body, putting his foot on his chest, then slowly moving to his knee. He brings a kunai up to Hiashi's throat, and quickly slices it through.

I activate my Ameterasu to get rid of the body.

"You'll never have my eyes, motherfucker."

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