"I'm going to need a whole lot of deodorant."

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I wake up in an unfamiliar bed. Looking around I see a pristine white room holding machines and wires. The hospital, great.

I've never liked the hospital. I'm not sure where it exactly stems from. Maybe it was always my fathers reluctance to let me go ; he was scared they would find out what he had been doing to me. I guess my resentment didn't grow towards him, but towards the doctors I so desperately needed.

That doesn't change the fact that I am currently laying in a hospital bed, and have an incessant pounding in my head. I sit up slowly, my muscles aching. Across the room stands Itachi, his arms are crossed as he leans against the wall.

Seeing him sparks all the memories of my...dream? Quite frankly, I would like to say that it was real, my chest feels a lot lighter than usual. Almost as if the burden of my parents had been lifted ; I hadn't felt this free in a long time.

"You're awake," He simply states, pushing his back off the wall, and coming around to the side of my bed.

"Indeed I am." I don't meet his piercing gaze, all I want is for him to leave. He's making this harder than it needs to be.

"How are you feeling?" Still looking anywhere but at him, I respond with a plain, "Fine."

"What's wrong? Are you still feeling pain?" I gently shake my head. I close my eyes, it seems to be easier than looking at the wall or my lap.

The darkness behind my eyelids brings back flashes of my mom and dad. What they told me, letting them go, accepting forgiveness. The most prominent thing though, is that I need to let go of Itachi. Let go of these unresolved feelings.

The sharingan feeds on emotional pain, so maybe if I get Itachi to ignore me - rather than the other way around, it would be more effective. The issue is how do I do that without hurting the both of us?

No y/n, stop being selfish. What's two hurt Uchiha, when we could have hundreds of hurt Uchiha from this war.

"Why aren't you looking at me?" I don't answer his question, just simply keep my eyes sealed.

"Y/n," his voice seemed to raise a bit this time, but I still left his question unanswered.

"Look at me damnit!" His voice sounds desperate, but even with the shaking of my hands, my eyes remain closed.

My face is forced to his direction, and my eyes instinctively open. I try to keep my face as emotionless as possible, but I know my eyes are deceiving me.

His iron tight grip on my chin doesn't move, that is until he takes his thumb and runs it along my bottom lip. God, he makes this so difficult.

I close my eyes and enjoy his touch. "Open your eyes y/n," His voice is nothing like the loud exclamation from before, but a soft and pleading tone.

I open my eyes to notice our faces much closer together than before. How am I possibly going to complete my task when Itachi acts like this? Not only is he extremely hot, but he is so tempting.

Looking into his eyes, I suck in a deep breath. This only pushes me more to do what I must, because if I lost Itachi to this war, I don't think I could ever live with myself.

Sending a cold glare into his eyes, I pull away from his grip harshly and say, "Don't touch me." I don't break eye contact while speaking this time. My mind is made up, and I must go through with my choice. "Get out."

"What?" His face is laced with shock and hurt. The guilt in my stomach only seems to build and build, but I keep my facade up.

"You heard me. Get out," I harshly spit at him.

He scoffs in disgust, probably at my attitude. "I'll leave, but I'll be back in about ten minutes for dinner." He stands up and walks out of the room.

I stand from my bed, and scan the room. Adjacent to the bed is a brown desk, a top it lays a bag of clothes.

I open the bag and pull out a pair of simple high rise bell bottom jeans, and a sheer floral crop top, along with a white bralette seemingly going with the crop top.

I slip out of my gross ninja clothes, and into my new ones. I lift up my arms in a stretch, and wince at the smell coming from them.

I'm going to need a whole lot of deodorant.

sorry for the short chapter! school has been a pain in the ass, and it's been hard to find writing time. i hope to get many more chapters out asap though. also, thank you for all the comments they really brighten my day, and make me laugh.

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