IX- Meeting Izumi Uchiha & Brother Sister Moment<3

Start from the beginning

I raised a brow, "does that mean you don't like me either?" I inquired. He looked confused so I clarified, "I take time away from him too sometimes when he trains me privately."

He averted his eyes away from me and said, "that's different. And it's not constant like it is with her."

I rolled my eyes, "you can't be mad at her for that. They are lovers they have to spend time with each other, because they love each other. If you love someone like that, you want to spend as much time with them as possible."

He blushed a little for some reason, "I guess you're right."

I ignored his blush because maybe he was just embarrassed, "and that doesn't mean he doesn't care for you. He enjoys spending time with you as well. He just needs to make sure he can make enough time for her too, because we both know how busy he is all the time." He nodded in understanding. "Okay, let's just leave them alone and I'll walk with you to school." He smiled and nodded.

Oh yea, for the past month I've been walking him to school more often because the fangirls don't even dare approach me anymore.

I went over to Tachi and Izumi, "I'm gonna walk Sasuke to school and meet with Gramps. Oh Izumi, I call the Hokage Gramps by the way if you're confused." She nodded. "It was nice meeting you!"

She smiled, "It was nice meeting you too, Natalia." I smiled too.

"Okay well, bye! I'll leave you two to have your alone time." I said knowingly, smirking. Their eyes widened and they blushed, making me snort and run towards Sasuke.

He smiled when I got to him, and he instantly went to hold my hand. This made me smile and we began walking to the Academy.

(Short Third POV)

As the couple watched Natalia and Sasuke walk away together holding hands, Izumi asked, "they don't realize it yet, do they?"

Itachi chuckled. "I think they definitely do, they just don't understand it. Kinda like us when we were younger."

She smiled and nodded, then pointed out, "I can tell you care a lot about Natalia."

Itachi nodded, "yes, I really do. She's brought a lot of happiness into our household. Like Sasuke, I feel the need to protect her, as if she were my little sister. And although he's never said it, Shisui feels the same about her."

"Oh right, you did tell me about how they've gotten close and somehow both say that extremely odd word." Izumi replied.

Itachi laughed, "it surprises me that they aren't actually related. They're so similar in so many ways, not only their quirks, but they're both talented ninjas and still have the ability to take things seriously when needed."

"I did notice she seems pretty mature for her age." Izumi noted.

"She is, which never fails to impress everyone who meets her. Even my father." Itachi said.

Izumi's eyes widened, "woah even Fugaku? Wow." Itachi smiled and nodded.

The two continued to appreciate their time together for the rest of the morning, and talked about anything and everything that came to mind. They both loved each other deeply, and knew someday the two children they saw earlier would experience it too.

(Natalia's POV)

After I dropped off Sasuke at the Academy and gave him a tight hug goodbye, I decided to pick up some dango and tea to go, for Gramps and I.

I walked into the dango shop and ordered. They prepared it fairly quickly today, which I was thankful for. I made my way over to Gramps' office and as I was about to knock, the door opened as a man stepped out.

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