Chapter 8: We Are Just Friends 

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So we where just at 119 and now we are almost at 160😅 thank you! Also next chapter will be a smut, it will be cringe because I have never made one so yeah! Please leave suggestions for it in the comments!!!!!!!!!!love you!!!❤️Oh also sorry there was not chapter yesterday, I was really busy!

George woke up in a cold sweat, not knowing where he was. Looking around seeing a arm around him, as he started to blush he realized that Dream was spooning him. "G- George why are you up are you ok?" Dream says in a tired voice, but trying to stay up for him, "Yeah just a bad Dream." George says then kisses Dream. "What time is it?" Dream said to George, then he picked up his phone and saw is was 3 A.M. "So do you want to go to sleep or do something?" Dream added to what he said earlier, "I mean we can do "Something"." Dream let go of George, curious about he was going to do. Then George jumped into Dreams arms hugging him, and kissing him a few times, "Well what is this for?" Dream asked not complaining about it but wondering what he did for all the kisses. "W-what I'll stop..." The Brit said as he frowned and moved off of him, "No no George, I like, I like you George..." Dream says smiling and pulling George back in him, giving him kisses. "Heh Dream stop. Heheheh." George says as Dream kisses his neck, Dream then shaking his head no to what George said. Dream and George keep kissing for a while, but after 30 minutes Dream had tired George out so much that  George fell sleep while laying on Dreams chest.

Dream and George slept die a few more hours, they cuddle while they sleep and it feels like they have been dating for ever. Dream and George both realized it was not official but they both wanted it to be.

It turned to 8 A.M and George finally woke up, Dream was already awake and had made George breakfast in bed. "Morning Gogy." He said as Dream kissed and older ones forehead, "Food." George said in response then began to eat, smiling in joy as he feasted. "George I was thinking we could uh start d-dating?" George started chocking at what Dream said, even though they have been kissing. Just George thinking about calling Dream his "Boyfriend" made him blush. "G- George?" Dream said again kinda nervous, "Y- I mean- O- I mean I guess... I'll be your boyfriend...." Dream and George blush, then they kissed as a knock came from the door. George quickly got his shirt on, Dream already had his on because he went to make breakfast for George. "C- Come in." Dream said as he got up for the bed and opened the door, Karl and Sapnap where standing at the door and bad was behind them. "Me and Karl want to tell your guys something, can you all sit down?" Sapnap said and let bad into the room, they all sat down, "So erm... Well you see... You know when yo-...I gues-..." "Me and Karl are dating"  Sapnap spoke cutting Karl off, then both of them kiss. The three boys stair downing Sapnap telling him to leave, Sapnap leaves the room and Dream follows along with Bad. The two boys abs left in the room alone, George and Karl, then the squeal like little kids at a candy store. "Omg so when did it start!?" George asks with such a excited voice that made Karl blush because he was talking about him and Nick. "Heh a month before you got here.... When did you and Dream start dating?" "I u- uh we are just friends..." "Sure you are, You were in his room when I got here a and were laying in bed. With breakfast. And the bed looked like two people slept in it...." Karl started Android a  then looked at George with them both blushing, "N-No we are just friends and that's it. That's all... But if we're your couldn't tell anyone, not Nick or bad, and IF we were then it would have only been for a hour. At least officially, but this is all a if...heh." Karl winks and George and they talk for a bit longer.

Dream, Sapnap, and Bad POV

"Sit Nick, Yes Sit." Dream and Bad say, Bad saying the first part and Dream saying the second. "What interests do you have with at baby Karl?" Dream says then Bad adds, "Yes what interests, why do you want to date him." "Because I- I love him.... Please don't tell him I said that." Sapnap said while blushing, Dream and Bad being in shock that he said that, "Ok, Ok we trust you with are baby but if you break his heart I will break you." Dream says in a really serious voice, scaring Sapnap. "Now go run off." Bad adds to what Dream says so Sapnap calls Karl, then running out the door with Karl being right behind him.

AHHHHHH 160 VIEWS YAY!!!!! THANK YOUUUUU!!!! Next chapter is going to be a smut if you could please tell me some I should do I have a few but I don't know yet! Sorry again fir no chapter yesterday I'm trying to do at least one a day but I have been busy because of the end year for my school! Also again there will be no smut for KarlNap because of Karl being asexual! Thanks for understanding Love you all and have a good day!
Words: 954

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