Freeze 2 {Villain Midnight x Mic x Eraser}

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They always make sure one of them is home with you, god knows why you haven't done anything but lay in bed since they took you. Maybe its the shock, or guilt, maybe your just sick but everytime you stand up your dizzy, every time you eat your sick, everytime they talk to you your head goes to throbbing. Aizawa slowly opened your door "Need anything?" You rolled over turning your back to him, you heard him sigh before the door closed. To your shock your bed dipped and arms wrapped around your waist "Why do you hate us?"

"I dont hate you guys, I couldn't even if I wanted to." He pulled you closer to him "Alright, then why can't you look at us?" "You left me when I needed you guys the most... 15 years Shota, 15 years of survivors guilt, fifteen years of refusing to get close to anyone in fear they might leave too, 15 years of mourning people who choose to leave me alone in my darkest times." Arms left you and your back felt like it was covered in ice as he left the room. No one came to check on you for the rest of the day.

The next day you woke tied to a chair "Huh?" "Oh your finally awake, shes up!" Midnight came over and helped you drink a cup of water "Why am I tied down again." Mic came in holding a scared looking guy in a vice grip "Aizawa told us everything and were so sorry, were gonna help you." "Help me how?" Mic gestured towards the guy in his arms "His quirk wipes memories, dont worry we're not gonna take it all just enough so we can see that pretty little smile again."

(310 Words)

Requested by: 09w5g8

I might have gotten a little to into this one 

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