WingMan {Todoroki}

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Even though he was young Todoroki still remembers Endeavour basically dragging you out the house as you sobbed uncontrollably, he remembers asking his mom where you were after a week of not coming home only for her to burst into tears screaming about it being her fault you would suffer the same fate as her, and he remembers being the ring bearer in your wedding. 

It was family visitation day and Todoroki was not existed, he knew Endeavour would use this as an excuse to come and anno- "Shoto!" He quickly turned back to see you, your voice sounded happy but you still had no light in your eyes, it reminded him of your mother but he quickly pushed that thought away in favor of giving you a big hug "Hi Oneesan." He knows only little kids use those nicknames but he feels small in your motherly embrace, like before his quirk manifested and he was ripped from you and the rest of his siblings. 

"Hey little man." He hugged you tighter giving your husband a death glare before letting you go. "Why are you here? I thought dad would have loved this opportunity." You laughed "I had to fight the old bastard but I finally got threw to him when I said you would actually listen to me and so he relented, oh if he ask I talked to you about coming intern at his agency." "Ok." Midoriya and his other friends came over "Todoroki-kun is this your mom?" You laughed "I dont look that old do I?" Todoroki smiled, the weight of caring for your siblings and now dealing with your, god Todoroki hated calling him your husband he was more like a dictator then a husband, had weighed on your face but you were still beautiful "Of course not. This is my sister."

"Oh sorry ma'am." "Its fine." Your husband rolled his eyes "Im gonna go sit, have fun talking with the brats." He walked off and Todoroki huffed "Do you wanna come meet my friends parents?" "Sure." You were drug around the common room meeting the parents and siblings of 1A until suddenly a hand patted your back "Todoroki I didn't know you had a sister!" You turned to see who was talking to your brother.

" You were drug around the common room meeting the parents and siblings of 1A until suddenly a hand patted your back "Todoroki I didn't know you had a sister!" You turned to see who was talking to your brother

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

A light blush crossed your face as Midnight begin lightly flirting with you as you tried to not combust into flames. Todoroki smiled thinking about how happy you would be with Midnight-sensei instead of your bastard husband, in fact you being forced into married him was the only thing stopping you from being with Midnight. She walked away and you turned back to Todoroki to find him gone so you went back to talking to Ms. Midoriya.

That night parents went to their kids rooms and you and your husband went to Todoroki's. You woke to Todoroki pulling you along "Whats going on!?" "The dorms are on fire! Come on!" The two of you were one of the last ones out, Aizawa counted his kids as parents started doting on them "Wheres H/n!?" Aizawa turned to you before trying to run before Present Mic stopped him "You can't go back in its a suicide mission!" Hound Dog was now next to him "Not to mention hes probably long gone." Your eyes watered and Todoroki nudged Midnight who immediately wrapped you in a hug pulling your head to rest on her chest "Its alright dear." Todoroki hid his smile, he would do anything for his big sister.

(616 Words)

H/n = Husband's Name

Todoroki the best wingman 

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