Her Hand {Prince Mirio vs Prince Tamaki}

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One of your servants opened the door to your cabin allowing you to walk in. You sat on your bed and smoothed over your gown "Are you sure you have everything you need for the summer my lady?" "Yes." Your cabin door swung open "F/n!" You turned to see your best friend and cabin mate since you first started going to the camp, princess Nejira "Is that a betrothed necklace!?" She got giddy as she tilted her head up for you to get a better look."

"Yes! Guess who!" You thought for a moment "Prince R/n?" "No princess Haya!" You got up and went over to hug her "Ah! I cant wait to meet her!" She hugged you "You know your sixteen too, anyone catch your eye yet?" "No but I have all summer to meet someone before the festival's ball." Both hers and your servants bowed to the two of you "All set up princess F/n/Nejira." They left as you both started getting ready to welcome the new royals that would attend this year finally being old enough to. "You ready?" "Yup, like my new dress?"

 "You ready?" "Yup, like my new dress?"

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"Yes now lets go were gonna be late." You both headed over to the stage where everyone would meet up. Once there you two sat on the side of the stage waiting for it to began when suddenly a shadow appeared over you "Hi!" You looked up to see a smiling blond man "Oh hello." He bowed to you "Im prince Mirio, nice to meet you." You quickly stood and bowed to him in return "Princess F/n, a pleasure to meet you. Here for the first time?" "Yes actually my parents thought this would be a nice place to find a bride, you?" "No i've been coming since I was thirteen with my friend Nejira."

She stood and bowed to him but he never took his eyes off you. The little sparkle sound went off meaning everyone needed to get in their place. You and Nejira walked up to the stage to greet all the new comers with the rest of the princess and princes that has come previous years. After it was all over it was time for lunch so you all headed to the lunch room. You, Nejira, and Mirio sat at a table together.

Soon a boy with blue hair came over "H-hi I saw you two on stage and, uh, can I sit here?" You smiled as you stood and bowed to him "Sure, im F/n, this is Nejira, and this is Mirio and you are?" "Prince T-tamaki." You guys ate lunch together before having to head back to your cabins, you guys then found out your cabins are right across the path way from each other. The summer was very fun for the four of you and was mostly spend just acting like normal teens and not having to worry about royal duties. Before you knew it the summer was over and the festival was upon you.

You and Nejira skipped the festival to get ready for the ball. "So am I going to meet Haya today?" "Yes, she couldn't come to camp but she managed to get some time to come to have the first dance with me." You giggled a bit "As if you two need to, the first dance is asking for the women's hand you guys are already betrothed." "Gotta rub it in peoples face." You were full out laughing as you stood "Does this look ok?"

"Yes! Every guy is gonna wanna dance with you!" You rolled you eyes before a knock came at the door "Yes!?" It was a counselor "The balls starting!" "Coming!" "On our way!" You two entered and went straight to the food table for a drink "The court...

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"Yes! Every guy is gonna wanna dance with you!" You rolled you eyes before a knock came at the door "Yes!?" It was a counselor "The balls starting!" "Coming!" "On our way!" You two entered and went straight to the food table for a drink "The courting dance for our lovely future kings and queens will now began!" The voice came over the coms and a girl you believed to be Haya came over and extended her hand to Nejira "May I have this dance?" "Of course!" She was spun away leaving you alone, not a second later two hands were extended to you.

"Dance with me my lady!" "W-will you have this dance w-with me?" The room got silent there hasn't been a princess get asked to dance by more then one prince since your mother, queen Kayama, attended the camp and that ended in a blood bath. Everyone was waiting for your answer "Mirio, Tamaki please we're friends. Dont do this." Mirio laughed "If she wont chose then i'll challenge you for her hand!" Tamaki looked around before sighing in defeat "I...accept." Mother like daughter huh.

Everyone stopped their dances or put down their food to follow the two boys outside. They were both given swords and as Tamaki drew his he spook again "Mirio please I dont wanna do this." "Then back down." "Never." Mirio drew his sword fully "Then you will do this." You couldn't watch, you turned throwing your face into Nejira's chest as Haya hugged you both. You were turned by Nejira after the fight was announced to be over to see Tamaki walking to you with a huge slash down the left side of his face. He got down on a knee in front you "My lady O have won in your name and will do it again if I must."Even though you wanted nothing to do with any of it rules are rules and he won "Thank you Tamaki, after your cleaned up I will accept your dance."

(1000 Words)

Requested by: Kamiko_1234

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