Cuddle {Aizawa Family}

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You were walking to the UA exit when Aizawa stopped you "Yes sir?" "I know you just baby sat for us but could you do it again, every time me and Shino get anyone else Eri and Kota pitch a fit so hard we have to cancel and hurry home." "No problem at all Aizawa-sensei." A few hours later you were knocking on the Aizawa residence door. Mandalay answered with a smile "Kids L/n is here!" Two little blurs came flying down the stairs and then you were on the ground and two kids were sitting on your chest. "Hi F/n!" You smiled patting their heads "Hey guys."

Aizawa grabbed them and pulled them off you so you could get up, "Thanks again L/n." "You two have fun." You closed the door behind them "So what do you guys wanna do?" Eri smiled "Play heroes!" "Alright-" You were cut off by both of them screaming "I wanna be H/n!" "Me too!" You laughed as they agreed to both play you, then Kota turned to you "Who are you gonna play L/n?" "I'll be my favorite hero." They got excited as you used your quirk, illusion, to make transparent members of the league of villains for them to play fight. 

After they wore themselves out they sat on either side of you to watch tv. A few minutes in your phone buzzed, you grabbed it and stood as Kota gave you a look "Where are you going?" "Bakugou is calling on gonna go outside real quirk and answer it." Eri gave you puppy eyes "Cant you just talk to him later?" How could you say no, you clicked decline and sat back down. You ended up falling asleep before them and Bakugou begin to text you.


Why didn't you answer?


Kota grabbed the phone as Eri leaned over his shoulder


Why didn't you answer?

She dont like you anymore

Who tf are you!?




Eri turned to Kota "You didn't spell bye right!" "Who cares he cant text her now." Eri smiled "Lets wake her up and see if she'll cuddle us!" "Yeah!" Aizawa and Mandalay came home a couple hours later to find you and the kids curled up on the couch fast asleep, Mandalay grabbed her phone and took a quick picture "Our kids are so cute." Aizawa smiled "All three of em."

(420 Words)

Requested by: Piggyevething_1368  Rose_Of_Truth

Not a part two but I redid it a bit, I hope thats ok

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