OverWorked {Mic}

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You closed your apartment door and slid down the wall curling your face into your knees and crying, why does your life suck this much! Not only are you trying to get threw school but your working three jobs and now thanks to the note on your door you know your getting kicked out of your apartment in the next three days. You pulled yourself off the floor and went to your bathroom throwing the second hand clothing onto the floor and getting into the shower.

You stood there letting the water run down your back until it got to cold, you put on your pajamas and went to your bedroom. You flopped onto the bed as your stomach growled, you would eat if you had food in the fridge, you laid there for a couple minutes before grabbing your textbook and starting your homework. By the time you finished it was 2AM "Shit! I have work at 5!" You laid down and tossed and turned till around 4 and finally your body gave out allowing you to 'rest'.

You woke up and your mattress on the floor felt way to comfy. You sat up to find yourself no longer in your apartment, you were laying on a comfy bed tucked into a fluffy blanket with pillows and plushies around you. You stood and realized you were now wearing a brand new pair of pajamas. The nightstand next to the bed had a plate with a delicious smelling breakfast on it with a note,

Hi! Please dont freak out, I wanted to be here when you woke but I got called into work, i'll be home soon feel free to eat, shower, or do anything else I left for you 💛

You ate as you looked around the room, its exactly how you would decorate if you had the money. When you were finished you put the plate down and opened the bathroom attached to the room, its full of fluffy towels, smell good soaps, and a bunch of pampering stuff. You walked over to the closet and found a bunch of brand new clothing all in your size, you just grabbed the comfiest looking ones and hopped into the shower. Once out and dressed you sat on the bed and found the tv remote so you laid down and watched until a knock came at the bedroom door.

You sat up "Uh, come in?" Present Mic, the actual Present Mic opened the door "Hi listener!" "H-hi." He came over and sat on the bed "Oh good I was hoping you would eat and shower, good to know your not freaking out." "Should I be freaking out?" His smile dropped and he rubbed the back of his neck "Well I should explain why your here huh. Im sorry I promise I wasn't gonna kidnap you at first but you were working yourself to death and you weren't eating or sleeping enough. I just wanna take care of you, take care of everything, make sure you dont have to worry about anything-

You threw your hands up to shush him "Wait, wait, hold on... You want to care for me in every way in and return you just want me to let you? Like I dont need to work or go to school? No housework or worrying about paying bills? Free food and clothing? Just sit back until you come home to care for me?" He smiled "Yup!" You started laughing "You didn't even have to kidnap me Mic." "Please call me Hizashi." "Alright Hizashi, you can start calling me your wife if you want." He pulled you into a tight hug, he couldn't believe he was freaking out the whole ride home for nothing.

(640 Words)

Gru_The_Dusty_Demon you didn't request this but your comment made me have this idea 😂

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