BreakUp {Midnight x Mic x Aizawa}

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You flopped onto the couch and heard Mic laugh "What happen to you?" "Training, my everything hurts." Midnight chipped in "Sho really did a number on you huh." You picked your head up and they saw the leaves in your hair "He left me tied in a tree and told me to figure out a way down, unbeknownst to us that branch had termites. I've never hit the ground harder." Aizawa shrugged "I said sorry." Mic came over pulling the leaves out your hair when your phone dinged, you snached it before he could grab it and quickly replied to the message before turning the phone off and tossing it on the couch.

Mic raised an eyebrow "What was that?" "Midoriya asking about a joint training, nothing much." His face softened "Go hit the shower I dont wanna smell you during dinner." You stuck your tongue at him as you headed off up stairs to freshen up. All three crowded around the phone and they opened your contacts


They clicked the heart assuming rightly that it was Midoriya's contact.


Night 😴

Night Izu


How was training baby?

I face planted😂


Mic's grip on the phone tightened "Shes hiding stuff from us?" Midnight shook her head before they heard you coming down stairs, they quickly put the phone down and scattered off to look normal. The next day Midoriya was walking to training when he was grabbed and pulled into an empty teachers lounge. He looked up to see his teachers. Mic smiled as he reached behind Midoriya and locked the door "Your gonna break up with F/n." Midoriya was taken aback as Aizawa came over "Or I expel you." "Huh!?" Midnight sauntered over "Be a real shame if All Might put all that time and effort into you for you to be expelled for a reason you can prevent, bet he would be devastated too."

When he hung his head in defeat the three smiled wider. Midnight patted his head "Smart boy." As they three walked out leaving him to pull out his phone 


Night 😴

Night Izu


How was training baby?

I face planted😂


We're done don't speak to me again  


~Are you sure you want to block {F/n-chan}?~

~Successfully blocked~

(378 Words)

Requested by: Crimson_Dragon13

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