Daddies' Little Girl {HotWings}

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Daddies' little girl gets whatever she wants, unless it has anything to do with leaving the house "Dad please!" Dabi pinched his noes "Im sorry little firefly but the answer is still no." "Look I know how you feel about hero society but I can be a hero you will be proud of!" "I said no!" He walked off leaving you there to silently pout, it was the first time hes ever yelled at you. A few hours later Hawks came home. 

You ran over and hugged him "Hi little songbird." "Hi dad, I need to ask you something." "Whats that?" "I know i've been home school practically my whole life but I wanna go to UA I-" He cut you off "Absolutely not." He started walking off but you grabbed his arm "Why!?" You heard Dabi walk in "Why are you using that tone with you dad?" Hawks smiled "Hi babe, shes just upset I told her she cant go to UA." Dabi gave you a look "Strange since I already told her no."

"This isn't fair dad your a hero and I have a strong quirk!" Hawks frowned "I didn't chose to be a hero and its not all its made out to be." You opened your mouth to argue but Dabi started speaking "Go to your room and dont come out till your done with this little attitude problem." You stormed off still upset. You popped the window in your room off and hopped out, normally you listen to your fathers when they tell you not to leave the house under any circumstances. You know they both have enemies that would love to kill you to get back at them.

You've only left the house once before, you got really sick so Dabi had a college of his, Kurogiri, bring you to a doctor that would treat a villains kid but you just cant be in that house with them right now. You walked down the street realizing you only know two people other then your dads, Kurogiri and Tokoyami, he meet you on accident since Hawks had to bring him home to grab something and you two ran into each other.

You called Kurogiri who opened a portal in front you, you stepped threw it and into a bar "Hi Kurogiri." "Hello, would you like a soda?" "Sure!" You sat taking the drink "Kurogiri who is that!?" You turned to see a man with blue hair and dressed in full black, that must be Dabi's boss "Hi, im Dabi's daughter." "He has a kid?" "Yup!" He rolled his eyes as he sat next to you "Whats your quirk kid?" "Ice." "Ever thought about joining your dad's business?" "No, I wanna be a hero!" He started laughing and it pissed you off.

He stopped laughing when his drink was knocked off the counter by a piece of sharp ice, you immediately regretted it until he laughed again "I like you kid, when you finally open your eyes your welcomed to join." He got up and left as the others came in. You were sitting on the floor as Toga was playing in your hair, twice painting your nails, and compress was showing you magic tricks when the door bursted open  "Get away from my baby!" You looked up to see Dabi in his 'work clothes'. Twice stood "Dabi calm do-" Blue flames shot past Twice's head, a warning. 

"F/n get over here!" You quickly stood and ran over to him, he cupped your face "Are you ok? Did they hurt you?" "No we were having fun." "Funs over little firefly, your dads bringing you home go to him." "But-" "Now." You walked outside and Hawks scooped you up and flew off, the lecture lasted the whole way home. You were tucked in on a cot in their room and your phone was confiscated. A few hours later Dabi came home smelling like burnt flesh "About time you get home." He slipped in bed kissing an annoyed Hawks "Sorry had to make sure they dont mess with out little firebug again."

(688 Words)

Requested by: Chelmsford10

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