Nightmare {Midoriya}

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Midoriya looked around the demolished city, his friends and teachers splayed around limp bodies leaking blood. He then saw movement out the corner of his eye, he turned to see Shigaraki with his back turned to him. He was about to run over to him but then saw you fighting against his grip on your neck. Shigaraki laughed as he put his ring finger down and Midoriya could do nothing but watch as your body slowly turned to dust. 

Midoriya shot up from his sleeping position breathing heavy

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Midoriya shot up from his sleeping position breathing heavy. He threw his blanket off and ran, he ran all they way to your door knocking as if he wanted to break the door down. A few seconds later you opened the door, before you could tell him off for waking you up he broke down in tears latching onto you and burying his face in your chest "Whats wrong?" He sniffed "I had a nightmare, it was bad."

You sighed rubbing his head "Its gonna be ok." "Can I stay here for a bit?" "Sure buddy." He came in and sat on the beanbag you had in the corner as you flopped backwards on your bed "Wanna talk about it?" He thought for a moment "Lets just say Shigaraki did something bad and leave it at that." You gave him a sleepy smile "Its just a nightmare Mido, if Shigaraki tries anything we'll beat his ass like we did last time." He chuckled "You mind if I sleep here for the rest of the night." "Only if you dont tell Iida we broke the curfew." He nodded so you got comfy dozing back of before feeling him crawl into bed "Midoriya?" 

"Beanbags not comfy enough to sleep on." Its Midoriya, it will be fine you thought moving over to give him room to lay down before going back to sleep. He curled up to your sleeping body ready to crash again before he heard your phone ding, since you didn't wake he decided to check it for you,


Night 🧡

Night oh great King Explosion Murderer✴️

Stop making fun of it!


No more food for you 🍜

Nooooooooo! Plz baby! Im sorry!

Thats what I thought, now go away im trying to sleep

Good Night
Love you!💞

-1 unread message-

Love you too 🖤


BakuBabe? Baby? Love you? What the actual fuck Midoriya thought to himself as he read the messages another time, you never mentioned dating Bakugou and Bakugou never said anything either, is this why he's been more of an ass towards him later? Midoriya clicked off the text messages and starting going threw your phone till he found the evidence he needed, a folder in your phone gallery labeled 'baby' and full of pictures of you and Bakugou. 

No! Bakugou gets everything! He got the quirk, the confidence, the friends, the dad, everything Midoriya has ever wanted! He won't let him get you too! He slipped out the bed and tipped toed out your room, he needs to pay Bakugou a little visit.

(537 Words)

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