Cranky 2 {KiriDeku}

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The door opened and they walked in, Deku came over to you with the key "Hi baby, you ready to come back up?" "You know what, no." They both gave you a look "What do you mean no? Its dark and cold down here dont you wanna come up with us?" "No, go fuck yourselves." Midoriya put the key back in his pocket "Last chance F/n, come up with us or your staying on that mat." "Bye fuckheads." You turned your back to them and you heard them leave closing the door behind them.

What might have been an hour later the door opened and Kirishima came down "Dinner time, you ready to apologize?" "No." He sighed kneeling down next to you "Baby, you should just apologize so you can come up and get some food and cuddles." "I dont want your cuddles, in fact I dont want you looking at me much less touching me." He stood back up with a sigh before unlocking you anyways. He picked you up and hardened himself were you tried to hit him "Your gonna hurt yourself." "Fuck you!" 

He placed you on the couch handcuffing your hands and feet before walking away. They both came back and Midoriya picked you up placing you on his lap as Kirishima sat next to the both of you trying to feed you. You took the food in your mouth before spitting it onto the floor "If you dont eat we'll have to give you your medicine." You hate when they give you that stupid drug, it doesn't knock you out it makes you so loopy you just mindlessly follow whatever they say. "Suck my-" He shoved the spoon into your mouth "There you go! See how easy it is to listen." You rolled your eyes but swallowed. A bit after your meal you started feeling lightheaded "You two drugged me anyway." Midoriya cupped your face "Well maybe you should have listened in the beginning."   

(334 Words)

Requested by: MadamWeeb

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