Uraraka? {Toga}

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You were at the mall with the rest of the girls of 1A because Aizawa doesn't trust the boys to go shopping for the dorms anymore. You were bent down looking for some new shoes for Midoriya as Uraraka was going over the shopping list behind you "This isn't on the list." "I know, lets call it a necessity thought." She chuckled "Ok after this we need to go buy Kami- Ah!" You turned around and she was gone, only the shopping list was on the floor. You picked it up and looked around "Uraraka?" You bought what you needed in that store and walked out. 

You saw Uraraka running back over "Sorry L/n-chan I had to go to the rest room quickly." "Oh that ok, lets head to the next store im sure the others are almost done." She latched onto your arm and smiled wide "Lets go!" You guys got halfway threw the list when she suddenly grabbed her stomach and slapped her hand over her mouth "Are you ok Uraraka?" "Can you take me back to the dorms im not feeling to good." "Sure let me just text Momo the rest of our list." "Can we just text her on the way I really need to lay down." "Sure."

You were walking with her when she stopped and looked down an alley "Are you ok?" She took off down the alley but you didn't see anything "Wait Uraraka!" You ran after her but lost her along the way "Uraraka!?"

You screamed before getting in a fighting stance "What did you do to Uraraka!?" You looked around making sure to keep an eye on her as she stood in front you with Uraraka's clothing on "F/n-chan how can you be worried about her when you didn't eve...

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You screamed before getting in a fighting stance "What did you do to Uraraka!?" You looked around making sure to keep an eye on her as she stood in front you with Uraraka's clothing on "F/n-chan how can you be worried about her when you didn't even realize you've been with me all this time?" You stopped as it hit you, you haven't been with Uraraka scene you bought Deku's shoes. She grabbed you and pushed you, you got ready to hit the ground only to fall threw a portal as she jumped in after you.

(373 Words)

Requested by: stormycosplays

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