Yoongi and the other audience just looking at the drama unfold without a single word. Guessing no one wanted to talk much, Hoseok just tries sitting on one of the far end of the staircase where he wouldn't have to talk or hear from anyone.

"You're letting him go.. just like that?"

Jungkook says as he looks at Taehyung including the others.

"Umm.. ofcourse. Who am I to "let him go"?"

Taehyung specifies with the air quotation marks with fingers.

"His boyfriend??!"

Someone replied. As if stating the obvious.


He just shrugs and begins searching for his phone.

"You don't feel jealous? Knowing he is choosing someone else over you?"

Jungkook seemed the most interested in Taehyung's new relation. He was nosy as it is, but when it came to his bestfriend, Taehyung had his mouth zipped to the point he wont say a thing.

"Do I need to be? I mean.. it's just Seokjin hyung."

"So are you saying Seokjin hyung is no harm at all? Have you seen his face? I mean.. I know you are handsome man..! But that guy is no joke. If he were to ask me, i'd date him straight away, even if i'm straight."

Jungkook pouts. Jin hyung was the boy crush of the entire school. He had perfect features, sweet voice, gentlemen manners, good figure, good grades. Everything a college student should have.

"Didn't you say the same thing about Namjoon? Dude, how many guys are you into? You sure you're straight??!"

Yoongi laughed and so did the others. Jungkook just rolled his eyes.

"Shut up, will you?? "

He retorted.

"Last time I heard.. everyone here was homophobic..!!"

Jungkook said out of nowhere spoiling the mood. Well, that wasn't a lie. Until last year, everyone, almost everyone here was homophobic. But since the charity events and college fests started people just got more accustomed to these things getting to know more people from the outside world and some of them came out as well.

Yoongi being one of those knew what Jungkook exactly meant. He knew he was gay, but never opened his mouth because he knew his parents nor his friends would support him.

Seokjin on the other hand was proud of what he was. He never let anyone look down on him for his sexuality and even though the team was against him playing with them he was the only player from the last year. Which means he was a hidden card during difficult games, due to his skills and experience. Plus, everyone liked him. He was uptight but kind and smart. Nobody dare did him any wrong.

"You know I am no one to tell him what to do."

Taehyung said after a few moments of awkward staring at his friends.

"No matter what relation we have, he has his own brain, his own life and his own friends. He should be free to go wherever he wants, whenever he wants, with whoever he wants. I know, worrying about someone you like is inevitable but that doesn't mean we dictate then in the name of looking out for them."

Bright Side | SOPE ( Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now