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Dante P

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Dante P.O.V.

When I got to the address, I didn't care about anything, I saw red, I wanted to kill everyone who cross my path. All My men got into the cars, all of them were with guns.

"Dai, dai, accelera, non fermarti per niente." I ordered. {go, go, accelerate, don't stop for anything}

When we got there, I literally exploded the door and went guns blazing. I shot everyone in sight.

Grand floor- clear.

First floor- clear.

That means there's only one place left to look, the basement.

"Luca, Manuel, Filipe, Enrico, and Pietro let's go downstairs."

With guns in hand, we made our way down, I could hear voices at least three or four people.

I hope it's you, Giordani...


Isabella P.O.V.

I was curled up on the floor, in and out of consciousness. I could hear voices, screams, and shooting upstairs. With all my strength I crawled to the darkest corner of the room. All my body was shaking, I was scared, freezing and the pain was unbearable. Every breath I take the pain intensifies.

The old man came running to the room with Rafaello and another guy, they are discussing something but I can't catch one word.

"Giordani stronzo{asshole}, I hope you're in there."

Whoever is on the other side of the door is trying to get in, I hear them banging on the door.

BANG, BANG, BANG, and the door broke down, I was curled up in a ball I couldn't see anything or even had the strength to look up I just could try to catch what they were saying.

"Finally, face to face huh Giordani?" Someone said, I recognize but I can't say who it is, my mind is too foggy.

"What you gonna do Dante? Even if you kill me now, I took something from you... again." The old man said while laughing. Did he say Dante? Is Dante here?

"Dante?" I tried to call for him but it came more like a whisper.

"What did you do Giordani? And what do you mean again?" Dante asked, they probably didn't hear me, come on Isabella you can do this just a little bit louder.

"Dante!" My throat hurts because it's so dry, but I guess it worked because the next thing I knew I felt someone next to me.

"Luca, Enrico, Pietro restrain them and take them to the dungeons in the mansion, we'll finish this conversation later. Filipe call the doc and tell him to get the room ready we are coming and Isabella needs assistance ASAP. Manuel go upstairs and tell your guys to start the cleaning."

"Sí Don." They all said.

"Bella, hold on, we're coming home."

He tried to pick me up carefully but even so, I couldn't help the whimpers that left my mouth.

"I'm so sorry bella, I'm so fucking sorry, please hold on."

He didn't kill any one of them, that means Rafaello is alive. Oh, help me God I will kill that pezzo di merda{piece of shit}. But first, he will go through everything I went through.

"Dante i..." I couldn't finish what I wanted to say, the pain was getting more and more unbearable, the last thing I remember is Dante's face fading away, and blackness embraced me.


Dante P.O.V.

"Isabella, Isabella open your to me..." I tried to call her but she didn't answer.

I knew what they were doing to her was bad, but it was way worse than I thought, her skin is all red and raw, her arms have so many cuts, she has some kind of burns on her hips, and her back is all open and raw.
Her lips are so white, like dead white it scares me.

I rush to the car and order the driver to go as fast as he can. I can feel her dying on my arms, no she can't, she can't die, not now we are so close, she's finally back in my arms.

"Please my bella, just hold a little bit longer. Non puoi lasciarmi, non ora bella, ti prego amore mio, resisti."{You can't leave me, not now beautiful, please my love, hold on.}

We got to the mansion in record time, I rush out of the car and to the doctor's room. I lay her in bed and the doctor come running to her.

"Don, you have to leave, let me do my work." I don't want to leave her but I know is for the best. She looks so fragile and weak, she's doesn't look anything like my bella, they tortured her all this time I should've found her sooner. If anything happens to her I don't know what I would do, I would be devastated, Lorenzo would be devastated.

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