10- 'Go out with me'

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Marleys POV
I feel my hands start to shake like they did Friday. My mom now knows we're fighting. There is no way she won't hear about it. I start taking deep breaths, mentally going through the list Morgana had used.
"Marley? Are you okay?" I felt tears poke at my eyes. It's not the voice I wanted to hear.
I swallow the lump in my throat, git it together Marley, "I'm fine."
"Don't lie to me Marls." Jake must've heard Morgana call me that. It doesn't sound as sweet combing out of his mouth.
"Don't call me that." I quipped, "That was rude sorry. I'm just stressed."
"Why were you ignoring Morgana? I thought you two were besties or something."
I really don't wanna talk about her, "Something happened at prom but it doesn't matter."
"Well if it had caused this much drama clearly it does."
I need to change the subject, "Go out with me."
"What? Marley don't try and-"
"You like me Jake and I like you." Not as much as Morgana, "So go out with me. After school, we can play laser tag or watch a movie, I don't care. just one date."
"Marley, you're not thinking straight. I don't want to pressure you into anything." He's right... I'm using him as a distraction instead of facing my actual feelings.
I've always been and ally, I've had no problem with anyone being gay. Heck Unique even dragged me to pride on year and I bought a pride flag. So why is it, that when it came to me it's different. Just thinking about saying three simple words makes my stomach knot. All I can do is put it off. I can date Jake. He's always been nice. I can be happy with him.
"Alright then... we can watch a movie after school." Jakes smiling. He's happy.
I force a smile on my face. Her smile is cuter, softer, more loving. I can play the role of girlfriend and things with Morgana will work out. Everything will be fine. Because I Marley Rose, am not gay. I am just an ally.
"Can I walk you to class?"
"I'd like that." I link my arm with his and walk through the hall I had just left.
I still felt a little shaky but I was feeling a bit better. I walked past Morgana with my head held high. I heard the other girls murmur things I couldn't care to comprehend. I just know Morgana had looked hurt and mad. You've done it Marley Rose. You just became a terrible person.
I didn't eat lunch that day. I felt ashamed honestly. I didn't go to the cafeteria after school. I just shit my mom a text telling her I was going to Jakes. I don't want her to ask questions. Jakes car didn't smell as nice as hers. He didn't open doors for me ether. I guess you get so used to one thing that once it's gone it doesn't feel right. We get to his house and walk in. I've been here before once. It was to work on a duet. His mom waves at me before leaving the room and Jake turns on Lord of the rings. We sit on the couch. It's awkward. We've been silent the entire ride here.
"So how was your day?" I ask breaking the silence.
"It was fine. Yours?"
"Well you saw my morning." I try to joke, "but aside from that it was pretty basic."
He nods as the opening credits start to play. I bring my knees up to my chest and lean on his shoulder. Time to sit through a very long movie that I don't like. Throughout the movie I couldn't help but think. Would Morgana even want to be my friend after this? About halfway through the movie Jake kissed me out of nowhere. His lips weren't nearly as soft as Morganas. Didn't taste as sweet. His hands weren't soft when he touched my face and his tongue was intrusive. It wasn't a bad kiss. Not in the slightest, but I preferred the soft gentle kiss I had shared with Morgana. She kept her tongue to herself. And her hands. She didn't move hers once, but his are running up and down my sides. I was the one to pull away. I just turned back to the screen. I didn't get the same warm fuzzy feeling I did when had loosed Morgana. It was more of an uncomfortable feeling. That it just wasn't right. Marley Rose, you have thoroughly fucked up.
"I have to go." I say abruptly standing up.
"We haven't even finished the movie yet." Jake protests.
"I don't want to date you."
"You do realize you were the one to ask me out right?"
"I..." Just say it! Come on, "I can explain why I did. I know why but I can't verbally say it. Does that even make sense?"
"It's Morgana right?" Jake asks with a knowing look, "The thing that happened at prom was something that scared you. You're just not ready to say the words out loud yet. But you know them in your head and heart."
     "Thank you for understanding."
     "Well I can't say I'm not jealous. I'll probably still try and go out with you." Jake admits honestly, "But you should go get your girl."
Morganas POV
     "I officially hate being lesbian!" I complain bursting through the door, "It's always the straight best friend who wants to experiment."
     I huff and plop on the couch laying across Uther and Arther. He's convinced Uther to let him stay home after second period.
     "I feel like I'm missing something." Uther says casually scratching my back.
     "Don't even get me started."
     Coming out to Uther had been a challenge. I came out three times? He was an expert in shoving you back into the closet. We only recently started getting along again. I think it's because Marley had been rubbing off on me. I grab when I hear a knock on the door. Considering I was on top of both of the boys I push myself up. I open the door only to see the brunette I had just been thinking about.
     "You know, I have every reason to close this door in your face."
     "I know, but please just hear me out?"
     "You have five minutes Rose. Make them count."

A/N- I don't wanna talk about the fact that this is like the fourth chapter I've published today...

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