Chapter 12~ Scare and getting ready to go hospital

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Date: Wednesday August 17th 2022
Progress: 40 weeks

Today, I was officially 40 weeks pregnant and I'm so ready to meet Nora

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Today, I was officially 40 weeks pregnant and I'm so ready to meet Nora. I feel like I know her but I don't. Ever since last week my Braxton Hicks had gotten worse to the point where I couldn't walk so Tom took me to the hospital and we found out that it was real contractions. I was scared because it was way too early for her to come because my due date wasn't until September.
Tom has been keeping a close watch on me and making sure I'm okay since these past couple days have been extremely uncomfortable.
We were both lying on the couch, watching a movie when something popped into my head.
"Tom, we haven't packed our hospital bags or even put her car seat in the car."
"Do you want to go pack it now?" He asked looking down at me.
"Yes please. Then I'd have nothing on my mind."
"Ok darling." He got up first and then helped me up.
We went upstairs to the nursery and I pulled out a little black overnight bag and sat in the rocking chair.
"Okay, I have a list. First we need 3 swaddle blankets, 3 outfits, mittens, socks, a hat, 2 pacifiers, and burp rags."
He grabbed everything I needed and handed them to me to fold and put in the bag.
"Grab her white blanket off the side of the crib."
He handed it to me and I folded it, put it in, and zipped up the bag.
"Alright, now ours?" He asked.
I got out of the chair and walked to our room, getting a black duffel bag and setting it on the bed and sitting down.
"For you, you'll need your shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste, socks, 3 outfits, pajamas, a long phone cord, and a pillow."
He grabbed all the things and put them in the bag and pulled my Pink bag out from under the bed.
"Now what do you need?"
"I need; my robe, fuzzy socks, my makeup, shampoo, toothpaste and toothbrush, hair ties, nursing bras, 3 outfits, underwear, dry shampoo, my phone charger, my nipple cream, pads, and pajamas."
He grabbed all the clothes and hygiene stuff and put it on the bed and started folding.
After we got all the bags packed, we put them in the back of the car and Tom installed the car seat.
"Thank you Tom. This really makes me feel a whole lot better now that we're prepared."
"You're welcome darling. I just want you to be relaxed and comfortable for the rest of the time before Nora comes."
I smiled and kissed him and I made my way back inside and back on the couch.
Late that evening, Tom and I were laying in bed and I went to the bathroom. When I pulled my pants down, all I could see was blood.
"Thomas!" I screamed.
A second later Tom was in the bathroom and his face was pale.
"Well don't just stand there! Do something!"
"What do you want me to do?" He asked.
"Grab me a new pair of underwear, some black shorts, and my flip flops. We need to go to the hospital."
He nodded and ran back to our bedroom as came back a minute later with a new pair of shorts, underwear, and my black sandals.
He handed them to me and I changed my shorts and underwear and put my shoes on. Tom helped me up from the toilet and we rushed downstairs and into the car.
As we drove to the hospital, I had some extreme pain in my stomach and I was terrified.
When we got to the hospital, they checked us in immediately and got us a room and hooked me up to an IV.
A few minutes after that, a knock was at the door and the doctor peaked his head in.
"Mrs. Holland?"
I nodded my head as he came in and shut the door.
"We're going to see how far along you are."
I nodded and he looked and his face was in shock.
"You're already 8 centimeters dialated. So we'll have to prepare for labor soon."

My Holland Baby~ Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now