Chapter 14

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(1164 Words)


Y/n – Your Name
S/n – Sisters Name
L/n – Last Name
H/l – Hair length

*Free's POV*

I've been searching the whole day for the l/n siblings not once could I see them anywhere.. What a drag be to honest, maybe they did actually leave.. Urghh I mean it kinda is my fault tho. If I weren't so violent that night we could've been at the bombers by now.. That reminds me why did I act that way? Doesn't make any sense, at least not to me..

I walked down the busy street and went back to the hotel I was staying at hoping and praying that I would have the change to get to speak with one of them, trying to convince y/n was never easy, I remember that one time..


- Come on y/n! You have to enter the competition! You are super strong! Maybe even stronger than me-! Free heard Valt say to y/n

Free went to Valt's side also trying to get y/n to join the world championship.

- He's right y/n, you should join.. I don't think you will ever get a second chance..

- It's fine either way for me! I don't need to prove my strength to anyone anyways! Blading is not always about winning y'know! I do it for fun and being able to bring people together!

Both Valt and Free sweat dropped at him, but of course he was right about the fun part, you should only blade if you find it fun and not desperate for power etc..

I took Valt and Free 3 and a half week to convince y/n to enter the championship and when he finally did.. things didn't end up good, Sváfnir broken to pieces thanks to Shu, he was desperate for power and it showed when his face showed satisfaction that he had broken Sváfnir, Shu and y/n was never close, and after this y/n never said a word to Shu.

That was before he left on his little adventure and not telling the other about it, Shu even tried to apologize multiple times to y/n, but his emotionless eyes didn't meet his any of the times he tried and y/n would usually just slam the door in Shu's face and leave it at that.

*Flashback ended*

Yeah, wasn't the best thing but I think feel like y/n overreacted, most of us have had our beys broken, he wasn't the only one to feel pain, Fafnir had gotten destroyed once too, I didn't stop blading for that.. Jeez y/n must get his shit together for real..

Anyways I went to bed and fell asleep pretty quickly, thinking takes a lot of energy..

*Next morning and y/n's POV*

I woke up to the sound of the birds outside my window and I turned my head to the clock 11 am.. I slept in pretty long, but I also had a hard time falling asleep yesterday but I must say even if it was hard it was the best sleep in a loooong while, missing my own bed and room, my own room without s/n in it, don't get me wrong I like my little baby sister a lot but alone time for my age is a must now days at least for me it is, anyways enough of that, I sat up too quick so I felt dizzy for a moment and having to wait a moment for the dizziness to go away was a drag, but worth it, the dizzy feeling made me feel weak and I don't want to feel weak even if its getting up in the morning..

I finally stood up after the a minuet or 2, talking some clean clothes and walking to the bathroom to take a shower, I felt so very dirty after being touch by Free, I needed to get it of me and quick and with that said I went over to the bathroom.

Turning on the water, letting it run for a few minutes before I get in, the water wasn't being used for over 3 years, can't expect too much from it.. The water was kinda rusty so letting it go away before even thinking of getting in, I sat down on the toilet.

I let my head fall slowly, I couldn't help to still be hella tired, everything went so quickly, 1 moment no one knew of me the next one which kinda.. or well maybe was my fault for telling some random kids who I really was and the 3rd moment Free is now after me.. just my luck!

Turning my head slightly I saw that the water was now clear and I slowly took of my clothes and went in with no hesitation, my sore and tense muscles was screaming in joy as the warm water his my back, it was so relaxing I could almost fall asleep..

Sighing loudly and just enjoying it, this literary made my day, well what was left of it anyways, I've always been a big fan of water, it was just so calming and I could never get enough- Wait that was a big lie right there- I have a fear of water and that is the ocean a big black ocean well the ground being black at least, I'm just hella scared that something my touch my feet so I try to stay away from that but watching and admiring water was just as fine for me as showering.

*Time skip*

I must have been in the shower for at least an hour or so, my fingers and toes was wrinkly and I needed to go eat something before I starve to death, so doing that I turned of the water and felt how the cold air immediately hit my skin, I shivered slightly nothing to bad just wasn't very pleasant at all.

Taking my towel's I wrap one around my torso and another one on my head I had h/l, it wasn't to bad really, I look great if I say so myself, I watched myself in the mirror and posed in it, I had grew a lot and I was well toned, the ladies loves me- (Not really y/n but try again some other time) Flexing and being proud of my body I finally dried myself of and put on some clean clothes and it felt really nice..

Taking of the towel on my head I brought a hand to it and grad my hair making it look good in a weird hairstyle sighing loudly I let got and it fell down I brushed my teeth and went out finally, going downstairs to the kitchen, seeing how s/n already had made herself some breakfast with whatever she found I didn't feel like eating frozen food to breakfast so I went to put my shoes on and go to the store to buy some real and fresh food for us, I refuse to eat frozen food again no thank you!


I've been think to make another book after this one, though nothing to do with beyblade, i was thinking about Naruto or sum- well its hard to say now so yeah lmk what ya think ^^ it will also be a x male reader since there aren't too many of them out there :(

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