Chatper 10

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(1235 Words)

Y/n – Your name
S/n – Sisters name
R/c – Random Country
B/n – Bey name

*Y/n's POV*

My whole head turned the direction I was hit-

What happened? Huh, hello? Explain.. Oh yeah right, I was slapped by Free..

My eyes widen slightly, I couldn't believe it- He wasn't the person to be violent outside beyblading, no not at all, time is such a drag, like what, people change all the time, why did I get slapped over something to little? Excuse me..

A shadow casted my eyes and Free backed off, I was as still as if the time were frozen, how dared he touch me so casually? Didn't he have any shame slapping me like that? It hurts..

I brought my hand to my cheek, it stings, and I made a hissing sound. His eyes were watching my every move, I wanted to turn to look at him, but I know his face showed anger and disappointment, I wanted nothing more to wish I hadn't opened that door..

- We're going to the bombers tomorrow..

As he said that I snapped my head towards him, I didn't want to face Valt or Rantaro yet, I know they may not be as scary as Free but still.. Being slapped across the face and then being told to do things? Who does this guy think he is!?

I need- I need to break him.. He cannot come to me and order me around as if I were some dog! As I thought that b/n began to glow scarily bright, It told me to break him! He was now our prey---

Another slap on the same cheek-

- Ow! What the hell was that for! I yelled, I had tears in my eyes- it stings like hell

- Your resonance is corrupted! I've seen you battle, can you even hear b/n's voice anymore!?

Corrupted Ey? More like power if you ask me..

- It doesn't matter if it's corrupted! We are one together! And you are a prey of ours now! I began laughing like crazy

Yet another slap came his way-


- Would you stop hitting me like that! It hurts you know!

- Good, tomorrow morning you and me are going to the bombers whether you like it or not, you can't get past me anyways, so trying to runaway won't work... Free said as he took his leave going back to his room.

I sat in the now dark room in shock, he had changed even more than me!? He was never violent, he always slept and came late!? Now he was slapping me like there was no tomorrow, oh yeah shit.. tomorrow.. I don't wanna go to the bombers, I need to think of a plan to escape past his door.. Or I could just go with him and runaway when we leave the hotel! Yep, yep!

I couldn't wait, no way I was gonna go there, they are a bunch of kids not knowing what real power is! (Y/n once again you're also a kid ._.) No way, nope I don't take orders from anyone else..

*No One's POV*

Just a few minuets later s/n walked in, and turned the light on- She saw her brother sitting on the bed, his cheek red and his eyes casted by a shadow and he had his head down, in his own thoughts..

Sighing loudly she went to shake her brother back to reality, but before she did that, she got a closer look at his cheek, it was red and his skin had actually ripped a little, a string of blood had trailed down his cheek-

s/n put her hand on his other cheek and y/n flinched so bad that he scared s/n too, he shielded his face from another slap but little did he know there wasn't going to come any slaps. Shaking and shielding his face confused to s/n to the core so as the not so mad sister anymore, she decided to ask him what was wrong.

- What's wrong y/n, why did you flinch like that and also why is your cheek so red? It's even bleeding a little. S/n said with a confused look on her face..

Hearing her voice made y/n calm down a little and took away his arms from his face and looked scared and hurt, he wasn't able to talk at the moment, it was just like if he said the wrong thing he would only get hurt, this was such a bad idea to come back to Japan, he wanted nothing more than just to go back to r/c, there Free or any of the other wouldn't be able to find him, he was just so lost at the moment that he didn't noticed that it had been 3 minuets since s/n asked him what happened.

- Earth to y/n, can you hear me? Hello..?

His head snapped up at her, he never wanted any of this..

- F-free- He- He's here! He hurt me! Y/n went on and on telling s/n her that "He hurt me"

- Woah calm down y/n, take it easy now, take some deep breaths and tell me from the beginning..

Taking a few deep breaths and calming some what down he began telling her..

- I had a battle yesterday and um... I kinda broke some random kid's bey.. and um may or may not have said my full name but anyways.. it turned out that, that kid was a friend of Valt and Rantaro's, I guess they had called Free and told them I was back in Japan..

S/n narrowed her eyes at her brother, sometimes he was such an idiot, but she couldn't help to feel sorry for him and also, Free? Violent? What, for real? He was the laziest person she has ever met, and on top of that.. how DARE he hurt y/n just like that? It made no sense at all! I thought Free kinda liked y/n but I guess I was wrong....

- So you're basically telling me that Free slapped you 3 times because he had a different opinion than you? S/n asked, mad at Free for acting like a douche.

- Uh-huh, I know I have screwed up a lot but is that really a reason just to slap someone? He has also changed, I mean he was never the violent type, always coming late and slept during practices...His eyes are also crazy scary, it was like he saw through me!

Well those onyx orbs of his are pretty damn cool and scary to be honest and when he got really serious, the flame and slow in his eyes- It could almost kill you if you ask me s/n thought.

- Okay... What a douche, Well he can't really force you to go with him anyways, he's not our parent and he doesn't own you y/n remember that, but if you are that scared of him, let's just call room cleaning tomorrow and hide in that basket thing they have to put dirty sheets in, also we have to get up very early so he won't notice it... S/n said, no way was Free gonna act all high and mighty around them- nope!

Y/n just nodded his head and like the plan, hoping that Free wasn't on to them (He's not, lol spoilers)......



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