"Trust me, I will,"

He groaned, picking up the remote and gesturing towards the TV with it. "Can we watch the chick flick or what? I really would love to end this conversation."

With a grin and a nod, I got back up on the couch, laying down on top of his chest once again. He reached for a pillow, stuffing it under my head, giving my neck a more comfortable angle. I took a deep breath and relaxed, basically melting into his body as the movie started.

As soon as Pretty Woman had finished, Allen put on 'Ghost'- and when that had finished, we moved on to 'PS, I Love You'. Once that one had finished, Allen kissed my forehead, before leaving me on the couch. "Where are you going?"

"Making dinner- any requests?"

I stretched, forcing myself off the couch. "Let's check what we got and then decide,"

I went up to him, braiding my fingers with his as we walked to the kitchen. He stretched my arm out above my head in the middle of the hallway, and spun me around, a laugh leaving me as he did. My adorable dork.

He sat me up on the kitchen island, and headed for the fridge, opening both the doors. He summarized its contents, and I couldn't help but furrow my brows. "How in the world does this thing stay stocked? It's been what, a week since we last went grocery shopping?"

"Oh, we get grocery deliveries and cleaning crew at night. They show up at about 3 AM twice a week, and clean and restock and check dates for two or three hours, and then they're out again,"

I narrowed my eyes. "Those sound like terrible hours."

He laughed. "Not really. They make 50$ an hour, and work for three hours, twice a week. It's usually women on maternity leave trying to make a little extra. They love the hours- they make 300$ in a week, working 6 hours, late at night, when their partner or some other family member has time to watch the kid, and still have tons of time to spend with their babies," he shrugged.

My eyes almost bulged out of my head. "50 an hour? Jesus Christ..." I shook my head. "If I'd made anything like that when working in the slum, I would've moved out after like, a month."

Allen froze up for a second, concern clouding his features. "What did they pay you? An hour?"

I clicked my tongue. "8.34... why?"

Yellow flashed over his eyes. "Great, this is just fucking great... I can't believe they've gotten away with this shit for so long... that's not the minimum wage set in this pack. Not even close." he shook his head.

"What even is the minimum wage?"

He shook his head, massaging his temples with closed eyes. "It's supposed to be 16.78 per hour, for non-union workers. Union workers usually get an average of 3 dollars more an hour." he shook his head again. "It just seems that wherever I look in the slums, the laws regarding humans, everything, there's some messed up law, some ridiculous shit put in place to oppress the people we all came from, just for the sake of doing it- and it's my fault. It's all my fault, and I have to fix it," he sighed, taking a seat in one of the chairs by the breakfast table.

Oh, my sweet Allen.

I kneeled down in front of him, taking his face into my hands. "Allen, did you put any of those laws into place?"

He sighed again. "No, but I-"

I placed my index finger over his soft lips. I wanted nothing more than to lean forward and kiss him, to make him shut up, to make his worries go away, to make him happy. Because that's all I wanted, more than anything else- for him to be happy. "Well, then, if you didn't make those laws, then it couldn't possibly be your fault, right?"

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