Chapter 9

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Kiritsugu realizing that Shiro would need his Magic Crest however Shiro can not handle the full power of his magic crest which lead to Kiritsugu deciding that he would learn the secrets of the magic art known as tuning.

Now that he has finished his training he knows his life is coming to an end and the final preparations for Shiro's survival are in it's endgame. However Kiritsugu has his doubts and he needs to make sure everything he is doing is the right course of action.


Chapter 9

May 4th 1999

Fuyuki City, Japan


Kiritsugu knew he that he would die in the few months, the curse had taken most of his mobility away and he was slowly beginning to lose his sight. Taiga had noticed the change in him which made her worry about him. Even Raiga had been worried about him which was a painful reminder that the curse was getting to a point where he couldn't hide it's effects anymore. The pain and the strain on his physical body was too taxing for him. Evidently he needed to work through the pain he was feeling.

Kiritsugu put on his signature blacl trench-coat and put his cold hands in his pockets. The left pocket had one of the letters he had previously written in his hand, he looked at the envelope before putting it back in his coat pocket. Shiro had already left for school so he had time to see Raiga so he could put his own mind at ease.

He grabbed his cane, a gift from Shiro after Kiritsugu fell on a walk together. It was black with a white swirl design that reminded him of Iris. The memories of his past have been resurfacing more and more, Kiritsugu chalked it all up to the curse but maybe he was just that lonely.

He knocked of Raiga's door and two muscular men opened the door staring him down before stepping our of the way to let him in. Both men were members of the Yakuza, and the bodyguards of Raiga and his family. They were loyal to Raiga and due to his friendship with Raiga they had gotten used to Kiritsugu coming to visit Raiga every now and again.

Raiga heard the door open and which annoyed him but when he saw Kiritsugu he smiled, he hadn't seen his friend in a long time and he was getting worried about him. Then he saw the cane that Taiga had been talking about and the contrast between the Kiritsugu he met and the current Kiritsugu was highly visible. 

Raiga: Is everything all right Kiritsugu

Kiritsugu: I've seen better days... Raiga can we talk in private.

Raiga sensed the seriousness in Kiritsugu's voice and waved the two bodyguards he had in the house and motioned for Kiritsugu to follow him down a long hallway. 

Raiga: I have a basement for... business reasons It's completely soundproof, nothing we say will be heard by anyone besides each other

Kiritsugu: Thank you Raiga...

Kiritsugu began to talk more but he went into a coughing fit as he rushed down to his knees to catch his breath. The walk to Raiga's house had pushed his body far more than he had originally expected. Picking his friend up off of the ground he helped him down the stairs and into the basement.

Raiga: Kiritsugu I heard that you haven't been feeling well but I didn't think it was this bad,

Kiritsugu: Taiga was asking about it... I couldn't tell her the truth. I told her it was just a cold and I'm just getting old

Raiga: So I've heard, I didn't belive it but I didn't want to put any doubt in Taiga's mind, Kiritsugu what is really going on then

Kiritsugu looked down at his black boots, that inky darkness that he adopted in all of his outfits. He didn't want to run away from the conversation yet a part of him wanted to slip into the void and forget the troubles and the pain. 

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