Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

July 6th 1995

Fuyuki City


Time flew by for the pair in the Emiya household, while Shiro was learning magic still Kiritsugu was going easy on him. Still progress was being made and for now that was good enough for Shiro. Kiritsugu saw how happy Shiro was as his pride had made the young boy more succsessful in his use of Magecraft.

Deep inside Kiritsugu's mind he realized he had another issue at hand that of course being the curse. The pain was something he could deal with and the loss of his magic circuits was something he could deal with but he knew what he might lose next.

The Emiya Family Crest was made from the blood, pain and suffering of others, Kiritsugu's own father being a testament to that fact, the evil deeds he did were unforgivable. Kiritsugu could let it die with him but the nightmares have gotten worse and he knew it was twisting his judgement. Shiro could survive without the Emiya Crest but was it a risk Kiritsugu could afford to take.

Images of Kirei Kotomine killing Shiro flashed through his mind, he wouldn't let that happen. He would keep Shiro alive. He needed to transfer his Crest in a way that could keep Shiro alive and healthy.

Kiritsugu went into his room locking the door. He picked a book off the bookshelf that was sealed. Putting his mana into it the book opened to reveal a series of notes on Magic Crests. He made sure to lock it so it would only respond to his mana just incase Shiro happened to stumble upon it.

After Natalia died Kiritsugu had kept her research hidden away, this information concerned a bounty she had worked on before she had met Kiritsugu. She had a lot of research and notes about her past targets, he wasn't sure why she kept the notes but he was happy she did.

A rouge mage family had a Magic Crest which normally could only be transferred to one if their children. However the rouge family's two children lacked the necessary Magic Circuits so they could not handle the full magic crest so it was divided between them.

This would normally would damage a Magic Crest however with the help of a tuner. Being a talented killer Natalia managed to kill the entire family as well as the tuner. After killing them both she took the tuner's notes and kept them for herself. These notes were now in Kiritsugu's possession.

The only problem is that Kiritsugu wasn't experienced in this field of magecraft and it would take a while to learn this magecraft in order to preform the ritual without fail. Time was something Kiritsugu did not have and he knew he would have to devote himself to learning this magecraft in order to keep Shiro safe.

The only problem with this was learning this Magic would shorten his already low lifespan meaning he would have to be more careful in using Mana from this point forward.


Kiritsugu was in his office so Shiro took the time to look around the neighborhood for broken appliances. He started off in alleyways but all he could find was old clothes covered in ants. It was disgusting and it made him reconsider trying to find broken appliances.

He shook his head and sighed in defeat as he decided just to head home as staying outside held no benefits.While he turned the corner to his street he saw Tagia outside of his house. She turned to see Shiro walk towards her with his head down.

Tagia: Hey Shiro is the old man sleeping

Shiro: No but he is busy

Tagia frowned, Kiritsugu had been keeping his promise to teach her not only English but also facts and stories from different places around the world. She figured that he would be avaliable today but the odds were not in her favor.

Taiga: That sucks... so what are you doing Shiro

Shiro: Well I'm using m... my skills to fix broken appliances.

Taiga remembered that her grandfather had been asking for her to help him work on his motorcycle and if Shiro was really looking to fix something she could benefit from it. Plus Kiritsugu wasn't teaching her so she would practice wrestling so she could improve in the next tournament.

Taiga: Hey Shiro I have an idea, my grandfather has been looking for someone to fix his motorcycles so you could fix those.

Shiro: Really

Taiga: Come on Shiro why would I lie to you

Shiro assumed Taiga was telling him about Raiga's Motorcycles in order to get out of fixing it herself. It wasn't surprising but it did work out for Shiro plus he wanted to help Raiga out as he had been good to Shiro all throughout his time living with Kiritsugu.

In the back of his mind he was worried about running out of Mana while fixing Raiga's Motorcycle. But his inner urge to help people overcame his fear.

Shiro: I'll head over to Raiga's right away

Taiga: Thanks Shiro your the best

Shiro: Yeah yeah see you Taiga

Taiga jumped up for joy before running towards the school. She had the key to practice on her days off, of course being the key to the school's victories in past competitions gave its perks. The teachers and the principal were always extra nice to her. She made sure not to abuse her power but she wouldn't turn down any gifts especially if they involved getting stronger.

As she was running she saw someone watching Shiro. Looking back she remembered that there were a group of people who stayed with Kiritsugu, a girl with white hair and her two attendents who also had white hair. They locked eyes for a second before the white haired women returned her gaze to the red headed Shiro Emiya.

Maybe she was shy of Kiritsugu as he gave off an offputting aura that made people keep their distance or that's what people say. She didn't feel like Kiritsugu was dangerous and he was really nice when you got to know him.

She kept on walking easily forgetting about the white haired women as the idea of wrestling was more important to her than some mysterious women who may or may not be watching Kiritsugu and Shiro.

What Taiga didn't know was that mysterious white haired women was in fact an Enizburn agent tasked with watching Kiritsugu after his last trip to Germany. Jubstacheit had noticed Kiritsugu outside the barrier watching him stumble around like a fool made the king smile. Kirtsugu's failure to return the Holy Grail would mean his eternal suffering, he would never see his daugher ever again.

In spite of that sentimentality something had struck him as odd, while he had closed the bounded field Kirtsugu seemed unable to even find the barrier. It was like his magic ciruits were gone, like he was just a common person without the ability to sense the flow of mana in a bounded field. The question tugged at Jubstacheit's mind before he decieded to have one of homunculus maids follow Kiritsugu home. He had so many that even if the so called Magnus Killer managed to kill it he had hundreds more to replace her.

Inside of the homunculus he placed his strong will to find out Kiritsugu's secret. Now the homunculus had seen everything she had to and she was prepared to give that information to Lord Jubstacheit. While she didn't know hid illness by name he had obviously retired an outcome that would please Lord Jubstacheit greatly.

Whether or not Kiritsugu could sense this was unknown however what was know was that even if Kiritsugu came back to Germany he would fail to see Illya and he wouldn't make a move against the Einzbern's at this stage. Kiritsugu Emiya was no longer a threat, no he was nothing but a broken man lost in an internal war of his own creation.


*Author's Note*

This ends the first technical arc of the novel. After going through Shiro's background and his mage training the next arc will be focused on Waver Velvet. With this in mind I want to say this again.

There will be spoilers for The Case Files Of Lord El-Melloi II, along with other characters who live in the Clock Tower. With that in mind chapter 7 will begin the new phase of the Crimson War.

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