Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

January 23rd 1995

Fuyuki City


It had been six months since the 4th Holy Grail War and two weeks since Waver had gotten back from his trip to Babylon. After visiting Iskandar's tomb and talking to Melvin He had decided he would buy his old teacher's class as Lord El-Melloi II's death left a gap that had yet to be filled and Waver had decided he would become a teacher and reach his goals by being a teacher. Waver asked his friend Melvin for a loan and lucky Melvin was generous enough to give him the loan.

Waver zipped up his backpack and looked around the room, he remembered the time he spent during the war and the time he spent with Iskandar, it feels so long ago. The war changed him, gave him courage and the strength to be better. Waver took a deep breath, he was going back to the clock tower, back to London.

He would miss the house that had been his base of operations for the last Holy Grail war. He put a hand to the wall flashing back to his time in the war. It made him both happy and angry to remember the war. He didn't want to forget about it but he was happy he would be an old man when the next grail war would inevitably begin.

Waver didn't want to over think his choices so he opened the door and stepped into the dinning room where his grandparents were waiting. Glen and Martha Mackenzi were originally just a family he used to have a place to stay, but after all this time they really had become his grandparents.

Martha: Waver we are going to miss you dear

Martha didn't know that Waver wasn't her real grandson only Glen had found that out towards the end of the last Holy Grail War. Glen didn't tell Martha the truth about Waver because he was saw how happy Martha was when Waver was around.

Waver: Don't worry grandma, I'll make sure I keep in touch with you while I am gone

Glen smiled, he cherished the time he got to spend time with his grandson even if he wasn't his grandson by blood

Glen: Good luck Waver

Waver: Thank you

Waver hugged them both knowing that it maybe the last time he would see them. There was a part of him that didn't want to leave and even though they weren't his real grandparents they became his family.

Glen knew Waver was sad and as much as he wanted Waver to stay with him he knew the boy had important things to do. Waver was truly a good boy and Glen was confident that no matter what he did he would succed.

Glen trusted that Waver would do great things in the future and he knew that one day he would return to him. But until then he would wish Waver the best.

Waver did not want to give himself an opportunity to second guess himself, he had a goal and he was going to complete. He closed the door to the house and stepped onto the sidewalk. He was planning on going straight to the Fuyuki Airport however he has one stop to make before be left.

Walking through the streets of Fuyuki he remembered flying in Iskandar's chariot high above the sky. He smiled remembering the good times but he couldn't help but remember the bad.

The destruction and devastation that the Holy Grail War caused the city of Fuyuki was morally wrong. However in the world of mages it was a sacrifice they were willing to make if it meant they could get their wish granted by the Holy Grail.

Waver shook his head as he realized he had zone out to the point where he hadn't realized he was turning the corner.

The saw the Fuyuki Bridge. The red bridge was something that he often dreamt about, it was where Isakndar fought Gilgamesh and lost. This was also the place where he had made the vow to stay alive.

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