two ~ claim

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   "Hey Two-Bit." I moaned. I was literally in the middle of fucking someone and Two-Bit walked in.

   Me and Two-Bit aren't a couple but we like to do it sometime. We're like fuck buddies and we hang out together most of the time,  but we made a deal. We'd do all what couples do but we can still play around. We don't claim each other.

   Two-Bit stood there, I kept looking back at him. "What the hell do you want?" I breathed. I just ignored him until he kicked the guy I was fucking. "Two-Bit!" I shouted. He kept punching the guy. He was about to beat the shit out of him.

   I kept trying to pull him off, "Two-Bit, stop it!" I shouted again. He looks at me for a split second, "Shut the fuck up!" He yells and continues to punch the guy. I kept trying and trying. He finally stopped.

   The guys nose was bleeding, his face was just messed up. I look at Two-Bit.

   "What the hell is your problem?! You fucking pussy." I said. "Fuck you." He mumbled and left. What the hell do I do now?

• a few days later •

   "Hey Y/n." Said Two-Bit. "Hi Two." I replied. "I'm really sorry. You're right, I am a pussy. I just... Somethin' in me told me to do that. I'm really sorry." He said. "It's alright Two-Bit, I get it. I think we should just stop playing around..." I said.

   "Well, I was wondering if we could just claim each other..." He murmured. I look at him. "Like, date? Actually?"

   "Yeah, if you don't want to it's fine I-" I cut him off. "No I'm good with that, but how about we just go slow?"

   "Okay then can I get you a coke or something? We can go watch a movie." He suggested.

   "I'd like that." I said.

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