Pony ~ Men are Pigs

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word count: 629
tw: none

Men are pigs. There I said it. Men. Are. Pigs.

You're probably wondering why I'm furious and why I'm saying that men are pigs. Because my best friend Ponyboy really thought he can treat us women like that.

Let me tell you what happened.

"Hey Y/n?" He asked. I was watching TV in the Curtis's house. "What's up?"

"You know that girl Sally? You're close with her right?" "Your point?" I asked. "Well, I asked her out and we're going out to a diner in a bit and I want to impress her" he said.

"I thought were gonna go to the movies tonight" I said. "Yeah we will, just a little later, now back to Sally" he said.

"You know how I can do that? How to impress her? Like what does she like?" "Well, she likes tulips, the color yellow, she's a cat person and likes book like you. She's a nerd" I said. He nodded. "Well that's perfect I guess, I gotta go now. I'll tell you how it goes" he said, grabbing his jacket.

"Bad luck!" I said. He stuck his tongue out at me and I rolled my eyes as he left.

After a few hours the gang was together and Pony came home. With a slight frown.

"Hey lover boy, how's your date?" Soda asked. "Well, y'all may think it's good but I didn't enjoy it so much" he said.

"Well what the problem?" I asked.

"We are so similar with each other. We both like books and movies, both have bad grades, both have the same attitude and manners and we're both shy, and we like the same music" he said.

"What's so bad about that?" Two asks.

"Well, I just feel like she gets me too much you know? I want someone that doesn't get me too much so it's a little interesting you know?" Pony said.

"So then what happened with Sally?" Soda asks, "I sorta turned her down. Because I prefer hanging out with the most amazing girl ever" he said. I thought he meant me because, who am I kidding? I hate books, I like cartoons, I like punk rock and I like snakes.

"Aww Pony that-" I then saw him calling another girl. "Hey Emma? This is Ponyboy. I was thinking, you wanna go out sometime?" I then hit him with a newspaper on the table.

"What?" He said, "THAT IS NOT HOW YOU TREAT WOMEN YOU IDIOT!" I kept hitting him

"Uh yeah Emma, just a second" he hung up the phone and tried to stop me.

"You fucker. You fucker, I will beat the shit out of you" I said as Soda held me back. "What? What did I do wrong?" He said. "Yeah what did he do wrong?" Said Dally. Then an echo of "yeah"s continued.

I let out a sarcastic laugh, "Men are pigs. I'm done" I said

"Y/n-" pony said. "You boys are disgusting and stupid. You don't just leave a woman just so you can go to another woman!" I said.

"She's right boys. Ya don't do that" said Darry. "Thank you! Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna watch the movie alone... Come on Johnny" I said. I took Johnny's hand and we were about to leave.

"Why are you taking Johnny but not me?" Pony Asked. "Because you are disgusting and Johnny didn't say anything about this this whole conversation" I stormed out of the room with Johnny then forgot something.

I went back inside.

"Changed your mind?" Pony smirked.

"No. Darry can I have 30 bucks?" I asked. He handed me the money and right before I left I stuck my tongue out at Pony and then left.

Moral of the story. Men Are Pigs.

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