johnny ~ cold

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    "Hey Johnny, we just got back from the rumble." I said. Everyone was there at the hospital. "Uhh, we won Johnny. We won." He was dead silent.

   "Johnny, hey wake up man." I touch his body. It was cold as ice. I stepped back, hoping that all of this was just a dream.

   "Y/n, he's dead." Said Dallas. I could barely say anything. I sat down in disbelief. The rest decided to just look at him. I covered my face with my hands and my elbows on my knees. I was rapidly tapping my foot.

   "Hey guys, can I have a moment with Johnny, along please?" I said. They all nodded and headed out.

   Johnny was my dearest friend. The gang has been too but he was the only friend that really understood me like no one else would. I mean, we both had the same lives.

   "Damn you Johnny." I said. I started to tear up. I touched his body again but of course it was still cold. I flinched, realizing he's really dead.

   "Only Punks die you fucking idiot!" I shouted at him. I started to cry. "You were my only friend!"

   "Please wake up now! Johnny!" I kept shouting and shouting and of course it never did anything. "Please I'm sorry!" I said. I calmed down a little from my crying. Then realizing again that he's gone, really gone.

   "Oh my god." I said, sniffling. "I wasn't ready for this!" I started to breakdown. I was on my knees crying, loud enough for the gang to hear. I heard Darry come in and he hugged me straight away. So did everyone else.

   "C'mon y/n, you gotta get you cleaned up." He said. I nodded as they take me back to the Curtis'

• funeral •

   I stood right in front of Johnny's grave with the gang. I really wanted to cry but I wasn't the type to cry in front of people purposely.

   "Hey Johnnycakes." I started. "It's been 2 days since we lost ya. Hope you're happy up there." I look at everyone. "Everyone's here. Even Randy and Cherry." Randy and Cherry had felt sorry for us and decided to come to Johnny's funeral to make it up to us.

   Everyone else started to talk to Johnny. Randy and Cherry didn't have the guts to since they weren't so close with Johnny anyway. Then it was my turn.

   "Hey Johnny, again." I said. "You know I couldn't sleep for the past 2 days, since you left." I continued. "I don't know who I'm gonna go to anymore, when I have a problem or something. You were the only one I could go to. You understood me the most."

   "What am I gonna do now huh? What am I gonna do Johnny, now that you're gone? You punk." I said.

   "Fuck you, Johnny. You made me miss you so much." I said.


I really like SLC Punk! dude like, you can learn a lot from it. It shows, a lot about life. Where you can't stay a punk forever. You may have your inner punk but... Y know, yeah. Anyways...

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