Pony ~ gummy bears

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"Wow, I never expected a guy like you to do something like this. Guess I shouldn't judge too fast" I said. I just saw my boyfriend of a year and a half, make out with Georgia Holder.

They both looked at me. "Y/n, I'm sorry-" "No, no. Its fine, I'm just gonna head home since it's just gonna be awkward" I then left.

You're probably wondering why I'm talking like this and not getting mad and stuff. Well, this happened in the Nightly Double. I brought him here, maybe that's why.

But the point is, I don't want to embarrass him in front of people and I hate to get mad because it won't do anything. Getting mad at someone you love hurts a lot. Physically, mentally and emotionally.

I got to my front porch and when I was about to open the door, of course Pony grabbed my wrist.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing" he said. I didn't reply, I just got in the house. He stopped the door from closing. "Can we talk please? Can I explain?" I open the door a little wider but not wide enough for him to enter.

As he was about to speak, I spoke.

"Pony, I really can't talk okay? I was in the mood to watch a movie with my boyfriend. I was feeling good. Since you ruined that, you're gonna have to talk tomorrow" I closed the door and went to my room. I played some music on my record player and just started to dance. Its how I cope with a heartbreak or something sad. Not death though.

<< Pony's POV >>

What have I done? I just broke my girls heart. My girl of a year and a half. Why did I kiss her. Y/n even knows I hated her.

She closed the door right in my face and I just wanted to tear up. As I walked away from her house, I heard music coming from it. I look to her window not too close, and I see her dancing and lipsyncing the lyrics.

Why is she dancing? Didn't I just break her heart? Is she happy that this happened? Has she hated me her whole life? I guess I'll just talk about tomorrow.

The reason I kissed Georgia was because she kissed me first. But for some reason I just kissed her back. I wasn't thinking at all.

** The next day**

<< Y/n's POV >>

I was in art class. They were doing this mini competition on the best drawing inspired by Van Gogh's paintings.

"And the first winner is... Y/N Y/L/N!" Everyone cheered. I was happy but I hate being the person that's mainly talked about. Whether it's good or bad. I got to the front and got a small prize from my art teacher.

"For the 3 winners, you guys get no homework for a week but you're still painting in my class. But is anything you want" he said. I hugged the other winners and class ends.

After art is lunch. I went to my locker. The school announcement then rang.

"Hello students and teachers! This is your principal and this announcement isn't just any announcement. This is for Y/n Y/ln from Ponyboy Curtis" said the principal. God damnit Ponyboy.

I saw Georgia gasp and walk away with her bitch friends. I didn't know whether to feel good or something.

<< Pony's POV >>

I asked the principal if I could make an announcement this afternoon.

"Exactly what is this for?" He asked, "It's for my girl. I broke her heart and I didn't mean to and I just want everyone to her how much I love her" I said. "You're very committed Mr. Curtis. Sure. I'll let ya do it" "Really? Thank you, Sir" "No worries. Now get to class. Its about to start" "of course"

* Afternoon *

After the principal made the announcement, I walked to the mic.

"Hey everyone, It's Ponyboy. And um, I wanted to make this announcement for my girl, y/n..." I said. I hope she's listening.

<< Y/n's POV >>

Are you kidding me? I've had enough anxiety for a half the day. First, my math teacher showing the whole class my paper, second the mini art competition and now this?

"Hey Y/n, I know you're still mad at me but I just wanted to say that, what happened didn't mean anything" he said. People started to look at me, I tried to cover myself with my hair and hands.

"I love you and I wish you'd forgive me. I love you Y/n, I've always loved you. I always love your soft, silky hair. I love your soothing voice, I love your artistic skills, I love they way you snort when you laugh really hard, I love the way you're always shy when I show you off" he said. Those words we're very nice but my anxiety level kept going up as I see everyone freeze to listen to Pony, even the teachers listened.

"I love you Y/n. Meet me in lunch." He said.

"Wow, such an emotional rollercoaster. Thank you Ponyboy, for lunch we'll have..." And the principal continues his announcement that he always says.

Everyonew as looking at me. I was wearing my brothers hoodie so I put my hood up and headed to the lunchroom.

I sat in an empty table with my lunch. Not wanting to see anyone until I can talk to Pony. I started to just eat my gummy bears that I always pack.

When I was about to put a gummy in my mouth. Someone took it from my hands and ate it. It was Pony.

I took another one and put it in my mouth. He sits next to me. Wanting me to look at him. He just keeps staring.

"Oh my god, you're being very creepy. Why are you close? Give me some space. Is it hot in here? Its like the surface of the sun. Hey have you ate? The lunch looks pretty good" I said all in a quick tone."Y/n, cool down. Can we talk now?" He asks.

"I don't know" "What do you mean you don't know?" "I mean you stole my gummy and showed me off to the whole school. And you know I hate that"

"First off, you have a whole bag of gummies. Second, I was just showing how much I love you to everyone. I was telling everyone that I love you" he said, putting his arm over my shoulder.

"Fine I forgive you. But, under one condition" I said. "Anything for you" "since what you did was very hurtful to literally anyone. I'm not gonna see your for 3 days because there's my oldest sister's wedding and I know how you're like when you don't see me for a day" I said. "Oh come on! Fine" he said.

I laughed. "Can I kiss you now?" "Sure" I said. He kisses me like it's our last kiss. We pulled away. He was about to take my gummy bears.

"No. You're not getting my gummy bears until I'm back" I said. "Fine. I saw you dancing last night. Through the window after what happened, are you happy that it happened? We're you happy I'm mad? Have you hated me ever since?" He said quickly.

"No, no..." I laughed. "Its just how I cope with sad things. I try to think as positive as possible cuz you're only gonna have one life" "There's my wise girl" he kisses my cheek.

Never. Steal. My. Gummy bears.

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