Chp:-25 Misunderstandings

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It's been 3 weeks since Nikhil went back home. I've started off with my boutique work and it's going on quite well. It makes me relaxed and happy.

Sanya and Nandini were very very angry at me after Nikhil left. They refused to talk to me, they prey much ignored me. What have I done? It's killing me. I'm going to have a word with them today. I've texted them and asked them to meet me at Hyde Park. I left my office. The moment I sat inside my car, I got a text from Sanya and Nandy. They said they'll meet me at home.

I drove back home. It was tea time. My head was paining like hell. As soon as I reached home, I freshened up and went to the kitchen to make tea.

Soon, mom came to the kitchen and said, "Nisha make some tea for your dad, Pawan fufa and Ritik, Trisha and Prithvi. They're coming here."

I said, "yes mom." I made tea for all of us.

I kept the tea cups on a tray along with some snacks.

Mom came and said, "come out I'll take this tray." I nodded.

We went out and gave everyone their tea. Ritik bhaiya, Trisha bhabhi and Prithvi were in the garden. I took our tea and went to the garden. They were sitting on a bench.

I said, "bhaiya, bhabhi, Prithu your tea is here." They all told me hi. I also said hi.

We all started sipping our tea and we were chatting. I got a text on my phone. It was from Ahil. I opened the text. I was shocked would be an understatement. What the hell is going on my life?

Ahil :- Hey Nisha. We'll be really glad if you will be able to make it to our 
           engagement party on 24th April.

I saw the invitation card. It said engagement ceremony of Ahil Saxena and Shruti Khanna. In 9 days.

WHAT.?.? Is this true?

Ritik bhaiya took the phone from my hand.

Trisha bhabhi said, "we were calling you but you were lost in your own thoughts since half an hour."

Prithvi said, "did you see a ghost?"

Ritik bhaiya said, "that's your childhood friend Ahil's engagement invitation. What's so shocking about it?"

I said, "what the hell is going on? First Nikhil gets those messages and then he comes to London to clear misunderstandings and now this engagement invite. I'm not able to understand what is this, how's it possible?"

I heard Nandy's voice, "of course it's possible." I turned back to see Sanya, Nandini and Saloni.

Sanya said, "this is the truth."

Saloni said, "apparently Ahil and Shruti were seeing each other which means they were together. They fell in love. They're getting engaged and then married pretty soon."

I said, "what the hell? She's cheating on Nikhil? She's playing with two people's hearts."

Nandini said, "Nish I might sound rude, sorry but please for God's sake just Shut the fuck up and listen to me and if you don't wish to listen to me then you won't be able to listen to me forever."

That did hurt, but still I said, "go on Nandini."

Nandini said, "that poor guy Nikhil came all the way from the USA leaving his very important business trip to Brazil behind just to clear everything out and propose to you.  He texted you, called you so many times but you didn't give a damn. You were way too stubborn."

Sanya said, "dee you did a very wrong thing. Checking other person's phone is bad manners you only keep telling. Without knowing the whole thing, without letting Nikhil explain you assumed and believed everything. Great just great. I'm very upset with you dee." She walked inside the mansion.

I was shocked and confused. I started feeling guilty. Nikhil will definitely hate me. I behaved so badly with him.

Prithvi said, "Nisha, they're all correct. Nikhil is a very nice guy. Because of him only me and Jia are together. He's my Cupid. We don't even know each other that well but still he happily helped me. He gave me confidence and hope."

Trisha said, "Ritik why did you punch him unnecessarily without knowing anything?"

Ritik said, "I don't need to understand or know anything, no one misbehaves with my sisters.  He was man handling her."

Trisha said, "Ritik stop being overprotective and possessive. Nisha is a grown up. She knows what is right and wrong. This was something between her and Nikhil. You, I or anyone for that matter, have no right to interfere."

Ritik bhaiya said, "what's going on Nisha?"

I explained about my relationship with Nikhil from start to end in detail to Ritik bhaiya.

Ritik bhaiya said, "oh God, Nisha this is not correct. You've to mend things with Nikhil. Why didn't you tell me all of this before?"

I said, "I thought I'll tell you guys when I feel it is right that's why. Sorry bhaiya."

Ritik bhaiya said, "don't say sorry to me, say sorry to Nikhil. Don't waste time, pack your bag and fly to the United States."

I said, "ok bhaiya. I'll ask Sanya to inform Aashi about my arrival there. Its Ahil and Shruti's engagement after all. I've to be there. I'll send the RSVP."

Nandini said, "Make things right. Say sorry. Be a good girl." I chuckled.

I said, "I just hope he gives me a chance. What if he hates me?"

Trisha said, "stupid if he hated you then he would've never bothered about anything. He's not a ruthless guy. Now come on, get going. I'll help you pack."

Prithvi said, "there's a direct flight to Washington Dulles IAD from LHR at 3am. It's 6pm now. Get started. I've bought you tickets."

I said, "thanks Prithu."

I went inside along with Trisha bhabhi and packed my bags.

NIKHIL MY LOVE, HERE I COME..................

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