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🎂 So today's my birthday, so I'm giving you all the gift of another chapter 😁 I hope you all enjoy it!

Levi sat back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. His face reflected a sense of calmness, but in reality he was seething inside. This dumb ape couldn't take a hint. Eren had dumped him and said he wanted nothing to do with the blond. Yet here said blond was acting a fool and calling Levi's baby boy, his boyfriend. The audacity!

" Not that it's any of your business Braun, but I was invited to brunch by my friends guardians." Levi said smoothly, as he examined his nails.

" I find it hard to believe Mr.Smith would invite someone such as yourself into his home. Let alone be that close to Eren. Speaking of which you need to move away from him." Reiner growled through his clenched teeth.

" Mr.Braun watch yourself in my home. I didn't invite him but Miche did, and I was perfectly fine with that decision. I'm honestly more worried about your actions right now. Eren has a friend over for brunch and your throwing a total fit trying to get rid of his friend. I'm really worried that your being to controlling." Erwin said from his seat. His stare was icy and words colder than that. The blond took a step back in fear.

" S-Sir I'm only worried about Erens wellbeing! That man right there is nothing but trouble! He even gives the teachers hell. Not only that I've seen him from afar. He never takes his eyes off Eren, it's almost creepy." Reiner finished, while pointing a finger at the raven.

Levi sat there brow lifted as he just stared blankly at Reiner. His insides were boiling, he wanted so bad to grab the teen and stomp him into the ground. But he had to hold it in, he couldn't risk his whole plan just because the ape was throwing a fit. The raven looked at Erwin to judge his reaction and smiled. The blue eyed man was furious, but not at Levi. He was furious with the blond who had miss treated his son.

" Reiner! You will not disrespect guests in MY home! In regards to Levi that's a conversation he and I will have. You need to be worrying about yourself! You stood my son up AGAIN! What do you have to say for yourself!" Erwin bellowed in anger. Reiner began trying to stutter out words.

" I-I-I went to t-the wrong r-R-R-restaurant!" He finally got out. Levi caught movement from the corner of his eye, and it was just in time too. The raven quickly ducked down and covered his head as an arm went by, launching a coffee cup at the blond teen. It was followed by screeching from a beautiful short brunette.

" I fucking told you last night I was done with you. That we're over! Yet you called this morning spilling your bullshit. You put everyone else first! You hide the fact we're together. You use me to try and get closer to my father because of his political standing. And you've NEVER done anything for me. I said all this, this morning but you wouldn't listen. You just screamed about coming over here and working things out. You never listen to me!" Eren screamed.

Erwin sat up straight as he took in his son. Eren had never been one to scream or act out in such a way. He was a peaceful child growing up and continued to be a peaceful young adult. The fact he has been pushed to these extremes really worried the man.

Levi looked to the smaller male. His eyes held worry, but his heart was a different matter. It had quickened by at least ten. His palms became sweaty, as his pants got just a little tighter in the front. The raw emotion and the anger showed so clearly in those shining turquoise eyes. It was free and wild, but Levi wanted to tame that wild. He was brought out of his trance when he saw Reiner move quickly to Eren. The blond dropped to his knees in front of him, hands clasped together tightly.

" Please Eren, don't do this. I will never be the same with out you. I know I've messed up and I'm so sorry. Please let me make it right. I'm begging you!" He pleaded while grabbing Erens pants.

Miche made his way towards the table never taking his eyes off of Eren and Reiner. He stood next to the blond male and laid his hand on his shoulder.

" Mr.Braun, I thinks it's time for you to leave. You came here uninvited after little master told you not to." He said emotionlessly. Rainer shot a nasty look at the butler over his shoulder that only Levi saw, but the raven kept quiet. He wasn't going to push any buttons right now. That would all come later.

" Yes Miche. But Eren I really want you to think and reconsider. Then can we talk about this again? If you say no then, then I'll leave you alone." The dull blue eyes looked saddened, but behind them Levi could see the deceitfulness. Those same eyes flicked to him and narrowed. Levi easily returned the stare, refusing to back down.

" Reiner, I'll think about this, but I want you to know. We are not together. This isn't a, we're together working on things. This is we're broke up and I'm willing to think about what you said and that's it." Eren said with pity.

" I'll take what I can get. I'll talk to you later Eren. Good afternoon Mr.Smith, Miche." The blond stood and began to walk back out the door he had come from.

" Wait! You didn't say good bye to Levi!" Eren said with surprise. Levi allowed a smirk to grace his face, and cocked a brow at Reiner. Said male looked over his shoulder and gave Levi a blank stare. He then turned back towards the door and continued to walk out.

" Have a good afternoon Reiner!" The raven called. The blond never turned back around or acknowledged him. He disappeared from view, then the sound of a door slamming was heard.

" Completely unacceptable! I'll be having 'words' with his father. I apologize completely Levi." Erwin raved as Miche stood next to him patting his back trying to get his master to calm down.

Levi glanced to the quiet brunette next to him. He had his hands cradled in his lap and his head hung. Obviously thinking about everything that had happened and Reiners words of apology. Levi knew if he pondered to long on it, and the raven didn't intervene then the chances of Eren running back to him were very likely. So the raven slipped his hand over to Erens and grasped them.  Turquoise eyes snapped up to met his silver ones.

" Eren stop fretting over it right now. You can think about it later. Let's make the most of today, you did invite me over so we could hang out right?" Levi asked delicately. Running his thumb over the slim soft fingers. Erens eyes lit up again with playfulness as he lunged for Levi and wrapped his arms around his neck in a hug.

" Your right Levi, I'll concentrate on hanging out with you. It's definitely better than the other option." He grimaced as he thought about Reiner. " Anyway I have the rest of the weekend to think about all that. I only have so much time with you." He said happily not moving back to his original spot he was sat at before he hugged Levi. His chair was now pressed up against Levi's which meant his body was only an inch away from Levi's.

The raven couldn't wait to spend the day with Eren. And the whole 'having the rest of the weekend' to think about Reiners words. Yeah Levi wasn't letting that happen. He would make sure the only person or thing his baby boy thought of was him. And oh did he have soooo many ways to remind Eren of who he belonged to.

What do you think you all? Please vote, comment, and tell me what you think. Sorry it took longer than expected. Today's my birthday and I ended up having a lot to do. Please leave me your ideas! I'm dying to dedicate a chapter or two to my readers! Pleeeeease! This is a shorter chapter but no worries I will be updating it again by tomorrow.

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