Heart break

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This chapter is a continuation of the previous chapter 'Stood up' and is part of the dedication to sosoislit15 

⛔️warning there will be a scene dealing with anxiety and panic attacks. Please read with caution ⛔️

Levi sat in his seat across from the beautiful brunette that had taken over most of his free thoughts. The raven smirked as he mentally checked off step one of his plan.

-Be the knight in shining armor

Levi had asked Hanji to follow Reiner around to see what he did in his free time. Especially with everyone assuming he didn't have a boyfriend or girlfriend. The auburn haired person hadn't let him down. They said Reiner apparently felt no remorse as he flirted shamelessly with the other girls in school. The blond also thought it was ok to have a girlfriend in a lower grade, that the angel in front of him didn't know about. Hanji also happened to mention they heard Reiner confirming a date with this girlfriend for tonight. Levi had wanted to go teach the blond a lesson as soon as Hanji told him all this, but luckily they had reminded him that all this would benefit Levi in winning Eren over. So with the knowledge that Reiner would stand Eren up, Levi made sure he was there to sweep in at the last second to save the brunette from the embarrassing, stood up walk of shame.

" I'll be your date for tonight Angel. So tell me, what does your heart desire?" Levi asked silkily, flashing a smile to the boy. Eren jumped a little and blushed as he nervously shifted around.

" I-I-I don't know. Usually dates are only allowed to take place I-in restaurants." The brunette stuttered out. This caused his cheeks to darken more. Levi's eyes narrowed as he thought about the blond brut hiding this perfect specimen. He would definitely get his when the time was right. No one would disrespect the brunette the way Reiner has, ever again.

" L-L-Levi can I ask a q-question?" Eren asked, not meeting the others eyes. Levi glanced at the teen from over his wine glass.

" Oh course baby boy." Came Levi's deep voice. Eren glanced up at the other for a moment before taking his wine glass in his hand. The brunette swirled the red liquid around and took a drink before continuing.

" What kind of game are you playing?" Levi's eyes widened in surprise at the others blunt question. Then returned to their normal state.

" I'm not playing a game baby. As I said this morning you intrigue me. So I finally decided to get to know you better, and steal you away from that stupid idiot that's only using you for political gain for his family." Levi hissed the last part angrily while glaring at the wall. Eren sat across from him,shocked. No one had ever been that blunt with him. Telling him exactly what they thought and not caring if it hurt his feeling or not. And unfortunately the ravens words did hurt.

Eren knew in his gut that, that is what Reiner has been doing all along. For some reason though he just couldn't let it go, couldn't let the blond go. Eren was always quick to react and defend his boyfriend. This time wasn't any different then the other times anyone else had said these hurtful things Eren knew were true.

" Don't make accusations unless you have proof Levi." Eren growled out. Levi looked back unfazed and continued to drink his wine.

" Eren, Eren." He said with a shake of his head. " It's sad you know. Reiner would never defend you the way you do him. I know, you know I'm right. So just let go so you can finally find some form of happiness." Levi said never taking his eyes away from the bright turquoise ones. " And don't try and tell me your happy, because that's a damn lie. You may be in a relationship but you've never been lonelier. I see it everyday as you watch others hang off Reiners every word."

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