Adrenaline Junkie

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As Levi's Dark purple sports car was being pulled up to the front he took the time to observe Eren. The teens eyes were still red and puffy, but no tears lingered. He stood perfectly straight, just staring up at the cloudy sky. A soft wind started to blow ruffling the short brown locks. Eren brought his hands up to his upper arms and shook a little. Levi smirked and unbuttoned his over coat. He pulled his arms from the sleeves, turned to Eren and draped the coat over his shoulders, pulling it tight in the front.

Erens cheeks were dusted pink as he glanced down. Levi was so close, with just a tilt of his head Eren could easily connect their lips. The thought kept running through his head distracting him. So when the raven wrapped an arm around his waist he jumped slightly. This caused Levi to chuckle as he lead Eren to the passenger side and opened the door. He kept his hand on Erens lower back as the brunette started towards the opening to seat himself. As Eren was leaning over to get in Levi caught sight of the valet starting at Erens petite round rear end. The raven shifted to where he was blocking the view and glared at the man standing across the way. Once Eren was seated the raven smiled at him and closed the door. Levi made his way around the front to the drivers seat, but was stopped by a hand being held out palm up. He looked at the hand then at the valet the hand belonged too. Levi's handsome face morphed into a scowl.

" I really hope you don't think I'm going to tip you AFTER you just blatantly checked my companion out." He growled. The valet just held his hand out further and said.

" It's proper etiquette 'sir'." the man snipped. Levi's eyes darkened some then lit up happily. The raven reached into his pocket as if he was grabbing something. The valet smirked and cut his eyes again to Eren who was sitting in the car watching. Thinking Levi wasn't watching the male winked at Eren causing the brunette to turn up his nose and look away. The valet looked back as he watched Levi's hand come to his like it was going to drop something in his palm. But once the ravens hand was only a few centimeters away Levi grabbed the hand as if going to give the man a hand shake. The ravens grip was bone crushing, literally. The man knew he felt two of his bones in his palm crack. That's not what scared the man. It was the knife pressed up against his inner thy right above his artery that scared him. Levi's smile never left his face as he hissed out.

" Fuck etiquette, no one looks at him like he's a piece of meat. He's mine, no one looks at him unless I say so!" With that Levi threw the man to the ground and walked to the drivers seat. The raven got in and peeled out of the parking lot. Sarah sat there leaning against the door smirking.

" About damn time that boy got a man to take care of him." She turned around and glared at the valet. " Serves you right dumbass, quit harassing the customers you perv." She made her way back in to finish her shift.


Eren had a death grip on both sides of his seat as Levi sped down the highway. His eyes were wide in fear as Levi dodged vehicles.

" Baby boy relax, your not in danger. I've been driving this thing forever." Levi said with a laugh not taking his eyes off the road.

" L-L-Levi please slow down, I'm scared." Eren whimpered. Levis brows furrowed but he slowed down some before looking to the brunette beside him.

" Eren you gotta stop being so worrisome all the time, its no fun. Live a little, have you even broke a rule before." Levi mocked a little. Eren glared at him as his cheeks flushed. Levis eyes widened as he began to laugh.

" You really have never broken a rule. Well that's about to change." Levi smirked before continuing.

" Sit back and relax baby boy, I'm gonna take care of you. I promise you'll love this you just have to let go a little." Levi said as he laid his hand on top of Erens thy. Eren looked at the hand then to the male. He sat back and closed his eyes.

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